17 ~ Spontaneity

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Upon suddenly hearing that someone else was in the garden, Y/n instantly went into panic mode: wide stance, wild eyes, frantic searching for a hiding place

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Upon suddenly hearing that someone else was in the garden, Y/n instantly went into panic mode: wide stance, wild eyes, frantic searching for a hiding place.

Having thought just quick enough, Y/n dashed behind the closest rosebush before the unidentified presence had managed to properly emerge from their own rosebush. Supressing her curiosity to find out who the other person was, she stayed crouched behind the bush, silently praying that they hadn't caught a glimpse of her before she was properly hidden.

She couldn't see anything through the thick branches of the hedge-like shrub - which was a relief to her, as that meant the other person wouldn't be able to see her from the other side.

Y/n started hearing soft footsteps on the grassy floor - which would have been a rather calming sound if the said footsteps weren't steadily approaching her hiding spot.

Her steady heartbeat rapidly sped up, which made Y/n furtherly anxious, as she had never properly managed to find out whether it was possible to hear someone else's pulse without pressing your ear against their chest. Desperate to stay silent, she clasped one hand over her mouth and pressed the other over the left region of her chest.

It didn't take the footsteps long to reach right in front of her hiding spot. Y/n felt sure that if she was going to have to wait there for long, her heart would either burst right through her ribcage or simply stop beating altogether. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the moment to end.


Hearing the familiar voice, Y/n's eyes instantly opened, but she made no movement of her head to face him. She could only just see his tall, intimidating figure through her peripheral vision.

"I'm looking right at you, Y/n."

She turned to the side to fully face Beomgyu.

He was still wearing the same fully black outfit that he had been seen wearing earlier that day, with a pretty bouquet of a variety of different colours of roses - which Y/n had assumed he had picked himself from their current venue - in his hand.

He was also still wearing the same mildly disappointed expression on his face that he always seemed to be wearing when he looked at Y/n.

"I-I was left al-lone... a-and I..."

She trailed off, having realised that she hadn't even bothered to think of a suitable explanation, should she get caught by one of the members, resulting in an embarrassing - and possibly dangerous - situation.

Beomgyu bent down slightly, as if it was a way that he would have been able to understand what she was trying to say better.

"You were left alone?"

Y/n nodded, unable to find the willpower to lie to Beomgyu. She hung her head, awaiting the inevitable punishment that she had tried so hard to avoid.

"You were left alone... and you decided... to come here?"

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