4 ~ Icicle

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Y/n woke up with a terrible headache

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Y/n woke up with a terrible headache. The room she was in was pitch black and she couldn't see a thing.

She couldn't move her arms or legs, as they were tied with a rope to a chair.

She struggled in the chair, hoping to loosen the knots even just a little bit, but quickly stopped when she felt the bullet in her shoulder moving painfully because of it.

If I ever get out of here, I'm leaving forever. I cant keep getting into my dad's business like this.

The lights were flicked on, and Y/n's eyes squinted to adjust. She saw a tall boy approaching her from a door, which was white, just like the rest of the room. She recognised his face from somewhere, but she couldn't remember where from exactly.

"Let me go! I had nothing to do with this! Please let me go home!"

The boy smiled and tsked.

"No can do. Your daddy has to pay us first."

"But it's not my fault! Please, I did nothing!"

Y/n's voice was already beginning to break. Her eyesight was growing blurry because of tears that were welling up inside her eyelids.

"Sorry honey, but you're the only thing that your father cares about enough to actually do something to get you back."

Suddenly, her brain clicked.

"You're the leader of TXT aren't you? Choi Soobin."

He smiled and bowed, like he was famous for it. Although, Y/n only knew his face because of photos she had seen him in with Enhypen.

"Always happy to meet a fan."

Before Y/n could explain that she was most definitely not a fan, his phone began to ring. He picked it up, not moving from his position in front of her.

"...okay.......thank you."

Soobin put his phone back in his pocket.

"Daddy's here."

( ꈍᴗꈍ)

The sight that Y/n saw when Beomgyu turned on the light in the basement was a shock.

It looked more like a training facility than a basement, and much more terrifying.

The walls were lined with horrifying weapons of all shapes and sizes. Knives, guns, chakras, arrows, darts and even drills. There were targets on a further wall, that seemed to be used rather often, as they had many puncture wounds evident in them. There was even a chair in one corner with leather straps by the armrests and legs.

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