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Two days later, Edmund was posted on the boarder joining the newly dubbed knights and with no hopes of returning home. Not even I could do anything about it, even being the same rank as Arthur now he still held hierarchy over me as Prince. If anyone asked, Edmund was forced to tell them he wanted to fight and help in any way he could- a courageous Prince. A mask Arthur had glued to his face. Edmund let his brothers wrath get the better of him, just like I had.

Fear was a powerful weapon.

So was strength- Arthurs blows to my ribs had broken two of them. The Royal Doctor had given me two months bedrest and for the pain. My injury was 'described by Arthur' as an accident- that I'd fallen down the staircase while headed to dinner. My still frail body had not been able to withstand the force of the landing, breaking my ribs.

Arthur was quite a good liar.

It made me wonder, when else had Arthur been lying in the past? How many times had I been fooled by his words without realising it? He had the entirety of the Royal family wrapped around his little finger. I was chained there right next to them.

"How are you feeling dear?" The Queen of the South asked as she walked into our chambers.

"Tired but alright, the tea is helping for the pain." I said lifting my head from our silk pillows.

"I'm glad to hear it. I have a letter for you, from your mother- I thought I would deliver it personally and come and check up on you. You must have had quite the fall. I should really get more lamps lit during the night- I know a lot of our castle workers roam around in the darkness. I don't want any more accidents on our hands." Ariellah spoke while moving and sitting on the edge of our bed.

I eyed the letter from my mother in her hand, taking it when she offered.

"Yes, thank you for the letter." I forced myself to smile.

"I'll give you your privacy. Feel better my dear." Ariellah smiled, gracefully standing up and leaving me alone again.

Once she left, the door closing behind her I peeled the navy wax seal open and flipped the letter open.

I only had to look at my mother's beautiful cursive handwriting and began to cry.
Wiping my tears I read her loving words, picturing her sitting at her desk writing with her favourite feathered quill.

My darling daughter Athena

My mind still doesn't believe you have returned to us, it is a pure blessing and a compliment on your skill and bravery as the knight I know you are and always have been. No matter how many times I tried getting a needle and thread into your hands you'd never let go of your sword. Everything you've been through, that we've been through as a family has only made us stronger and helped us to grow.

You are my heart and the gem of the North, there are so many people across the land who look up to you. As part of being Royalty never forget about the kingdom that supports you. Especially when your mother isn't there beside you. I will count the days until I see your beautiful face once again and have both my children together. I know your brother misses you dearly and has been training for the day you wish to return to the front lines. What you're doing is a heroic thing my dear.

Fighting for your kingdom is one thing, but fighting for love is another.
Keep your chin up Captain and remember what has made you strong. I've always believed in you and always will.

Love, your mother.

By the time I had finished reading her letter, the rose scented parchment was stained with tear drops, seeping into the black ink and smudging some of the words. I tried drying it with the bedsheets but the words only smudged more. I laid my head back on the silk pillows staring up at the moulded ceiling as I thought about home. About everything.

The Sword Of A Princessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن