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The Royal Engagement ball continued until sunrise, I was not one the guests who remained awake to see it. Our castle held host to almost every visitor, the maids and butlers busier than ever, even Tanya seemed a little flustered. I kept her with me, stopping her from running about the castle.

"Did you see that Lionel has returned?" I called out to my maid as I washed myself in the large, tiled bath. The bathroom was attached to my chambers through a white door. Tanya was sitting in the other room sewing up a tear that made its way into one of my gowns.

"I did." She called back, only for her to step into the bathroom knowing it wasn't considered proper to yell between rooms. She took a seat on the side of the room. "Chatter comes around quickly in the maids' quarters." Tanya smiled.

"Oh? What else have you heard?" I turned to her resting my arms on the edge of the rose scented bath, some drops of water splashing onto the ground below.

"Nothing the Princess needs to worry herself with, though, a lot did happen last night, a few scandals. It is rather common to happen at big celebrations like last night." Tanya giggled lightly making me smirk at the older woman. "Oh, to be young again."

"Compared to some of the older gentleman I saw last night, you're doing well- most looked like pale ghosts." I giggled moving off the edge of the bath to warm my arms back up.

Tanya shook her head smiling, "That'll be me one day soon enough, when you have children and they're all grown up, I won't be here anymore. But I'll always be watching, so make sure they don't get up to too much mischief." Tanya smiled pointing her finger at me in a knowing way. It was a strange feeling to think one day, maybe sooner than I wanted, I would have my own children. Arthur's children. I lowered myself deeper into the bath.

"It's not going to be the same without you in Britannia. I'm going to miss you." I smiled rising my mouth back out of the water.

"I'll miss you too, some days I cannot believe my eyes when I look at you all grown up. But here you are about to get married and start your own life." Tanya grinned crossing her ankles seated on the chair. Her black maid uniform perfectly free of crinkles and fitted just right, she had modified her own uniform to suit her age, since she was the eldest maid in the castle, she wanted something more conservative.

"Part of me doesn't want to go." I sighed out, sitting in the water facing Tanya, my body covered by the tiled wall. My eyes dropped down to the ring around my finger sitting in the warm bath.

Tanya stood up moving to grab my white fluffy towel, signalling it was time to get out.

"You'll get settled in soon enough."

"I wish you could all come with me." I huffed standing up from the water as Tanya stepped over and covered my shoulders with the soft towel. "Prince Arthur is wonderful, he's not like anything I thought. I just don't want things to change." I didn't want my life here to be any different- to be away from everyone I cared so deeply for.

I stepped out wrapping the towel tighter around my arms, my bare feet dripped water over the tiled floor below. I could feel my soaking hair tricking water down my back.

"You'll find a new routine and soon you'll have children of your own to care for, then you'll have to get used to something different entirely again." Tanya smiled as I stood before her. "Everything happens for a reason, and as part of being a Princess, you must be flexible and adapt."

"Want to trade spots?" I smirked at her.

"Oh I would love to wonder around in grand gowns and read books all day." Tanya smiled as I made my way back into my room to dry and change.

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