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Nothing in the castle remained stagnant. Guests slowly filled the chairs the maids and workers set up in the garden, knights patrolled the area and I was kept away from Arthur last night as tradition before marriage, I wouldn't see him until I walked down that aisle.

I watched everyone move around like ants around the beautiful floral set up- blue, white and golden coloured flowers everywhere. A white isle rug was rolled out over the grass, flowers arching over where Arthur and I would stand and more lined all along the seats for the hundreds of guests. I stopped counting the rows of chairs.

My stomach twisted. I rushed into my attached bathroom throwing up my insides into the closet pot. I heaved out the vile tasting spew until my throat was dry and sore. My eye caught a glimpse of the sapphire ring set around my ring finger as I held onto the edge of the porcelain pot. The acidic smell made me want to throw up again, I let it.

"Oh my- wedding nerves, it's alright. Let it all out." Tanya found me heaving my guts up in the bathroom. My chemise bunched up at my knees, she grabbed my fallen hair and pulled it back from my face.

I sat up on my knees, lifting my hand to wipe the edge of my mouth. Tanya held out a white cloth, I took it and cleaned my mouth.

"Whatever you do, don't throw up down the aisle, it's happened once before, and my it wasn't a good experience." Tanya said kneeing beside me, rubbing my back in circular motions trying to help sooth me.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I asked a little too harshly, "Sorry, I'm just nervous about everything."

"On your feet." Tanya smiled grabbing my arm lifting me with her as she stood. "You are a brave woman Athena and I know everything about you, and I know you can get through this wedding." She said holding my hands between us, she gave them a small squeeze.

I nodded taking a deep breath, "Your right, I can do this." I tried to assure myself.

Tanya smiled and we walked back into my chambers to get ready, today was the day. This morning I would be married. Mother arrived soon after with two maids holding a large white box, inside held my wedding gown. Tanya powdered makeup on my skin, luckily the cut on my cheek hadn't been deep and was almost gone. I didn't change until my hair was finished, it took all three maids to help me change into the large gown. I tried to ignore the weight it held. The gown was pure white, silks and lace layered over the petticoat's underneath, the top curved over my chest and long, open flowing sleeves covered the length of my arms. My hair was tied up in our Northern braided style, longer strands pulled out shaping my face and my largest, arched diamond tiara perched on top of my head.

"I wish your father was here to see you. He would be so proud of the young woman you've grown up to be." Mother smiled as she stood from the end of my bed, almost in tears. She wore a royal purple gown herself, her hair done in a similar way, with her crown atop of her head.

"I'm sure he's watching from where he is." I smiled back. I turned to the mirror looking over myself once more. I barley felt like me. I'd never worn such a heavy gown or had so much makeup on my skin.

"Woh! Look at you!" My brothers voice called from my door as he burst in chuckling. The maids' eyes widened in shock and mother started wiling her arms for Cole to get out.

"You can't be in here! Go! Get downstairs." Mother pushed him out and I laughed at my twin, feeling a little more at ease.

"Wait woman, I was going to ask my sister whom I am forced to love- may I be the one to walk you down the aisle?" Cole asked holding mother off at the open door.

"I wouldn't want it any other way." I smiled at my twin.

"Dammit son, now I cannot be mad at you." Mother cursed. I noticed Tanya sent her a look of disapproval for using an improper word. Cole smirked and kissed the top of mother's hand.

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