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I bit my lip as his hands explored my body, any confidence I had before vanished. His hand trailed up the side of my leg, pulling my body towards his and pushing against me at the same time. I ignored the burning from my shoulders as all the weight of my body hung on them.

"Let her go you sick bastard." Lionel's hands slammed against the bars making Dracyian laugh.

"Maybe this will be fun after all Princess. I don't mind an audience." Dracyian smiled, his hands running down my arms to my waist. Lionel yelled out in protest again and a spark glinted in his eye- a spark only I could see.

He was provoking Dracyian. Lionel was helping me.

I bucked my hips in protest, Dracyian's hands only gripped me tighter. Sliding down to the belt holding my trousers up. My heart raced faster than before. What if this went terribly wrong? What if I was making a mistake?

"I will kill you! Get your hands off her!" Lionel cried out, slamming on the bars. No. I wouldn't let this become a mistake.

As the hook slid from the hole I'd created my trousers slid part way down my legs. Gripping the chain above me I heaved myself up and jerked my leg out wrapping my trousers around Dracyian's head.

I cried out as my back slammed against the wall. I squeezed my legs tighter, as Dracyian clawed at my bare skin. I rolled his head more so his face pressed into the inside of my thigh and held strong. My trousers kept him wrapped in place, aiding the suffocation.

"Don't let go." Lionel called out. "Hold him."

I groaned out as I held onto the chains above me. Dracyian was still thrashing around and clawing into my thighs until they bled. All of this time we spent here, every punch, every hour hung up on the wall, every drop of that serum was about to be over. I would force myself to push through a little longer to feel the sun on my skin once again. To live a life I want- a life with Lionel at my side.

I cried out once more squeezing my thighs as tightly as I could, my legs were locked around his body my ankles crossed. I couldn't care less about my bottom hanging out, only that my trousers had helped keep Dracyian locked into me. My thighs and trousers strangling the life out of Dracyian.

A flash of silver flickered in the corner of my eyes and a scream escaped my mouth- my thigh throbbing in pain as Dracyian's dagger plunged into the side of my leg.

"Hold him Athena!" Lionel yelled out.

The dagger stuck out of my thigh, every push on my muscle rippling with pain as I held Dracyian. I watched in fear as his hand slowly tried reaching up for the dagger sticking out of my leg- his hand dropped and suddenly Dracyian wasn't fighting back anymore.

I could hear my heavy breath, my heart raced even more knowing we were one step closer to freedom. I held him a little longer before my leg gave out, the pain in my thigh too much to handle.

The Western knight fell to the ground unconscious. His limp body laid below my feet- I had no time to feel embarrassed about hanging half naked on the wall.

"We did it!" I cried out to Lionel.

"You did it. Can you reach the keys?" Lionel asked shifting on his feet, his hands gripping the bars of the cell.

I kicked my trousers from my feet to reach my toes out towards Dracyian's pocket, using my heal I pulled his leg a little closer to me and dug my toes into his pocket. Flexing my toes I felt the cold metal within and locked it between my big toe and the second.

"I've got them." I panted out, pulling my foot out from his pocket. The keys hanging from my toes.

"Toss them over to me, I can get you down." Lionel called out holding his hand out as far as it could reach. I wasted no time flicking my foot towards him, letting the keys go at the last second. They flung through the air and hit the cell bars- falling to the ground. Lionel snatched them up and unlocked his own hand clasps, the chains hit the ground with a heavy thud.

The Sword Of A PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now