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The journey through the mountains which barricaded Greyswitch was a long and hard trek, my leg only gave out once by the end of the day. Kalec threatened to drag me along the ground but Thrall decided to carry me on his back instead. It wasn't until I woke up still being carried by Thrall like a child on his back did I realise how exhausted I still was. I hadn't had any chance to fully rest- to be at ease. My mind was constantly on high alert, my body never really falling into a deep sleep with the threat of Kalec looming around.

After another night perched up on the edge of a mountain before Greyswitch, Kalec made Thrall go ahead to scout out the village for any knights on guard. Kalec was smart to make his brother go, I would have left Thrall there for freedom given that chance.

"Can smell the gold coins already." Kalec smirked, his large arm wrapped around my shoulders pulling me towards his torso, making me stumble slightly. "You have made me very happy man, who knew Royals could actually be useful these days."

Anger boiled through my veins hearing those words. I shoved myself away from his awful scent, caught by surprise that I had enough strength to do so Kalec's arm came loose around my shoulder. His eyes narrowed down on my small frail body and pursed his lips hidden between that unkept beard.

"Don't you ever say a bad word against my family. You actually think you'll get away with all this? For every bad thing you've done in your life, to me, to others you've stolen, to your brother." I growled out, ignoring the slight throbbing pain from my thigh.

Kalec's eyes lifted from me, I turned to see Thrall walking back, stopping mid-step as he heard the words I threated his brother with.

"No knights anywhere." Thrall turned his body halfway back around to the village, his eyes landing down on me.

"The quicker we get this over with the better." Kalec grunted, his grip snatched onto my arm with an iron clasp. I could already feel the skin beneath bruising from his strength.

"We should get her washed up first, more people would believe she's actually the Princess without all that dirt." Thrall commented as he walked on my other side. The trees around us thinned as the ground levelled out, the forest bedding becoming dirt and stone.

"No. I'm not taking any chances." Kalec shot a glare over at his brother. The words I'd said still lingered in the air. Thrall had heard what I told Kalec out of anger. Kalec knew his brother heard it too.

"Then we look like fools if the people don't believe us. For all they know we could be just selling off some random dirty slave girl." Thrall shot back earning an annoyed look from his brother.

Kalec jerked my arm back as he stopped mid-step, his eyes raking me over as he look in my dirty state. I still had dirt stained to my skin from my time spent in the cell, more added after sleeping on the forest floor these last few nights.

"We don't have enough for new clothes, only a bath. We still need coin for supplies." Kalec huffed out turning his head away from me as he continued walking. A small spark flashed behind Thrall's eyes as he looked down at me.

My chance.

I hardly noticed Kalec untying the rope from his wrist, keeping it wrapped tightly around his hand as I saw the first building appear in the distance. It was a little cottage home surrounded by a few blocks of land, half growing fresh vegetables and crops, the other a bushy overgrown garden. Even though there weren't any flowers the vines and shrubs complemented the cottage well. The sun shone right overhead as we all stepped out into the open farmland.

We stomped through a crop field until we reached a cobblestone road. Ahead the village was wide but small enough I could make out the forest and mountains surrounding it.

The Sword Of A PrincessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora