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Every moment of time passed slowly, I was too aware for all of it- my body hadn't let me fully rest purely out of fear. After Kalec burned my wound closed, he dressed it with new bandages from his satchel. I had only wished I'd passed out from the pain. Every touch, graze of skin I felt sent shudders up my spine. Even my own touch my body rejected the feeling.

The first night with the two body snatchers dragged on just like the time I'd spent in that blackened cell. Kalec and Thrall took it in shifts to watch me, I could feel their eyes on the back of my head as I curled up on the dirt by the fire to keep warm.

"You awake girly?" Thrall's deep voice called out in the silence. My body stilled like death. "Yer breathing is jagged don't pretend."

Dread washed over me. I forced my head to turn back over my shoulder facing the soft glowing fire, adjacent to me sat Thrall. His arms loosely wrapped around his legs, dark circles sat under his eyes while his brother slept peacefully across from us on the other side of the fire- a light snore coming from him. I sleep with one eye open.

"What?" My voice was sharp.

"What's yer story huh? If you really are the Princess why weren't you rescued or somethin'? Isn't that the way most stories go?" Thrall asked keeping his voice low so not to wake his brother.

"I asked myself that every day in the beginning." I let out a huff and forced my torso upright and faced the fire. The flames had devoured most of the branches, the coal building up underneath. It looked as two branches were only recently added to the flame to keep the fire alight. "You read stories about Royalty?" I asked.

"I used to. The West killed our younger sisters." Thrall mumbled out. My eyes lifted to the man who bore a scar across his jaw. "Our parents had already died long ago from sickness. Kalec is the eldest if yer couldn't already tell."

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked. My eyes flickered to the sleeping bearded man, his body was still.

"Someone might as well know before we're all killed." Thrall huffed rubbing his fingers over his scar like it was suddenly bothering him.

"We won't lose this war." I stared at him. "I was trying to get back home, the things I know would allow us to win. Gain an advantage on the war."

Thrall's eyes glanced over at me from the fire, "You were a prisoner."

"I was yes." I breathed. "My- I was with another knight, he helped me escape. I know were their base is, where the problem lies." My father- Zynthesius started this war. His daughter was going to end it.

"It's not exactly up to me." Thrall's hands clasped back around his legs, his eyes moving over to his older brothers. He watched him for a moment then continued, "I tried to give yer an opportunity before, I forget he's a fast hunter when he's hungry."

It was like a shield had been removed from my eyes, lifting a veil from Thrall's burley body. He wasn't the dangerous man he was putting on. He had given me that chance of freedom before at the tree.

Kalec was our problem.

"Thank you." I felt my lips curl upwards slightly. The feeling felt foreign as it sent relaxing emotions through my body.

Thrall shook his head, "Look I don't-" His eyes shifted to Kalec's sleeping body the moment he shifted. We sat in silence watching him until Thrall deemed it safe to speak again. "Greyswitch is only two more days away. Once we're there it'll be easier for yer to..."

I nodded, understanding what he meant. If I could hold out until Greyswitch I could find help a lot more easier, there would be people, patrolling knights. If there are portraits of my face across the kingdom, I would be easily recognised. I could find my freedom. Then I would help Lionel find his.

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