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"You've definitely improved over the last week Athena." Edmund smiled glancing over at me as we walked side by side. Two platoons of recruits walked in front of us, guided by Captain Asta- the knight who found me on the road with Halia and Ryder. The recruits ceremony was in two days, then another round of platoons would begin training again.

"My body feels more sore than strong." I breathed out, sweat dripping from my brow.

"Good, then you know it's working." Edmund chuckled, "How about a drink. The recruits are heading into Britannia tonight to drink since they can't after their ceremony."

"I don't know Edmund-" I mumbled knowing what Arthur would have to say about that. What he would do if he found out.

"It wasn't a question, besides a bit of ale will help put more meat on your bones." Edmund insisted, his hands gesturing out in the space either side of him.

"I'll think about it." I forced a smile. That tingle of fear returned thinking about what Arthur would do. I already knew the wrath of man and how incredibly worse things could have gone for me.

"Great, I'll have the carriage ready at sunset." Edmund's lips curled upwards, and started to step further away as we reached the castle grounds. "Wear something comfortable and inconspicuous, we'll get a crowd if the town realises the Princess is there."

My lips parted then closed- Edmund ran off before I could protest, I kept my hopes down about going- as soon as Arthur got an ear of the plans they would be instantly shut down. I didn't feel like another night of pain, nothing had happened in the last week. We had both kept to our corners of the world, only seeing each other during meal times if it couldn't be avoided. Arthur would work in his study and I would train with Edmund and Lance on occasion when he wasn't taking trips further South. Nate always made himself scarce these days- he avoided interaction more than ever after losing his arm in the war.

As I parted from the exhausted recruits I made my way inside the castle walls- I hadn't seen were Edmund ran off too. I was alone again, a feeling that was starting to feel comfortable with when I was drained. There was no one to cause me angst.

"Good day?" Arthurs voice spoke as I stepped into my chambers. He was sitting on the armchair by the window, an image of poise with his legs loosely crossed, an elbow on the armrest holding up his chin with a finger.

I froze in the doorway, sweating profusely underneath the armour protecting my body- from him.

"Y-yes, it was an eventful day." I couldn't bring myself to look back at him or walk past the doorframe. Arthur had given me this room when I first arrived, it was my own space while I got settled in. Now he was sitting in it, reminding me who in fact owned the room.

"Please come in, you must feel tired with all that armour on." Arthurs hand gestured to the space in my chambers.

"Why are you here Arthur?" I asked taking a step past the doorframe.

Arthur smiled, his brown eyes flickering with intent, "I finished my work for the day earlier than expected and I wanted to see my beautiful wife, is that a crime?" He raised a brow- asking a question that wasn't meant to be answered.

I couldn't move again, the room felt like it was shrinking around me- Arthur growing larger by the second, squishing me down to the floor.

"No- not at all." I didn't even feel my mouth move.

"I was also thinking-" Arthur stood from the armchair, reaching me in a few long strides, "I think it's about time we shared a room, it would definitely put my mother's mind at ease. What do you think?"

The Sword Of A PrincessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon