Start from the beginning

In the fresh morning light five black figures ran towards us in the distance. How many people had died on that battle field already and how many more would it take for this war to finally end? The section we met with on the edge of the desert all held bows and arrows- the knights being too far out to hit them yet.

"It's got to be a trap, a lure to get us out there." Arthur breathed out saying what had all crossed our minds.

"Shoot them down." Commander Gorenge ordered the section, they all readied their arrows even know they knew the Western knights were still too far.

"Why only five?" I asked glancing over at the Commanders, still knowing they didn't have the answers.

"Suicide runners, but for what purpose?" Lance frowned crossing his arms over his chest.

We watched as the section's arrows sprung into the air, flying out towards the knights in the distance. Behind us I could hear the commotion of the five hundred knights we had left preparing for battle. The arrows pierced the ground before the Western knights- the section re-loaded their bows, shooting again only to miss a second time. The five knights stopped seeing the arrows fall to the ground in front of them they stood there for a moment watching us as we watched them.

"Any movement on the flanking sides?" Commander Gorenge asked the knight who had run to her in the tent to give the news.

He shook his head, "Nothing."

"Our army is ready to leave Commander." Lance called out as he hastily walked back over shortly after. The knights had slowly begun walking back towards the horizon out of sight.

I watched both Commanders glance over at Arthur, he let out a breath.

"It is your call Hadriana, Mavis. We go out there now and risk the possibility those knights had done something or we go out anyway later on risking the same thing." Arthur said.

"Then we will go now and fight this battle, let's get this over with sooner rather than later." Commander Gorenge nodded, her eyes looking back out on the hazy horizon. I noticed the wind had picked up slightly, blowing the sand up from the ground.

Horses were bought to us by a section of knights, the army stood behind us as we moved out of the forest clearing. Commander Mavis sent two platoons to flank from either side of our frontal attack, already knowing our enemy's army was coming right for us. Five hundred knights, North and South alike would be going up against thousands. I couldn't decide if I felt ready or not, too many qualms worried my mind, things I shouldn't even be thinking of in a time like this. I had to concentrate, we had to win this battle for our kingdom.

"Remain by my side." Arthur nodded beside me from his horse. I didn't miss the rest of the Ashmore brothers already surrounding me along with Lionel on my right.

"I will." I said. I wasn't sure if I meant it, or knew I could even stay near him once all the chaos begun.

I glanced over at Lionel, the knight met my gaze and gave me a short knowing nod. I knew he would remain by my side no matter the cost. I wanted to say so many things to him in that moment when our eyes met- apologies, confessions, a good luck, but nothing came out. Our eyes had done the talking for us instead. I could see it on his face, I was trying to push him away before, making myself angry so it would be easier to let go. But I couldn't bring myself to do it anymore, not when death sat over the horizon.

Riding out across the desert my heart only ached for the lives that would soon be lost to this day, I found it ironic- to gain peace and live, we had to fight to the death. A cause raised by the Kingdoms after the West begun attacking the inland towns, raiding their homes and slaughtering everyone in their sights.

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