Chapter 36

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Anastasia's POV

He was cooking in the kitchen as I sat in front of him looking at him. I was really touched and shook when he cried for me. I have never seen him cry this bad. Even when I was gone and left the kids with him, he didn't lose control of his tears but today he lost it all. I feel both happy and sad. Happy I'm back, sad because I made the life of seven days of this man in front of me miserable.

"Daddy! We're home." I heard Aiden's voice. "In kitchen boys." He shouted back. He quickly rolled the chair I was sitting on, and placed it behind his huge body to hide me. "Look who we have got here." I could hear his smile as he said that. He moved a little and all three of them rushed towards me. I hugged them, all kissing their foreheads.

They started saying how they missed me and what Lori's situation was and all about their lives without me. "That was enough to talk now, quickly go and change your clothes. Daddy is making us lunch today." I smiled at them clapping for Lori dramatically and they ran up smiling to themselves. I hugged Lori from behind, "Lori, you know what day is today?" I asked.

"Today is uhh... Monday?" He asked. "Today is 27th June. The day when we went to the park for the first time." I smiled goofily. "I know what is going on with that little head of yours. Fine, we'll go today with the kids." He smiled back and kissed me.

Soon we all had lunch and we're back in our room. Kids are doing their homework from school and well me and Lori are basically doing nothing. "Baby, you know I love you." He said in a raspy voice. "Ofcourse I know." I ran circles on our intertwined hands. He grabbed me slightly so as not to hurt my slashes and sat me on his lap. "Let's get cleaned up then we'll sleep for some time." I didn't have to say anything, he picked me up and turned on the water in the jacuzzi as he changed the bedsheet and then joined me in the jacuzzi. It was just like a daily routine.

He sat behind me and placed his chin on me. "I love you Ana." He whispered. "Love you Mr Giovanni." I smiled. "Do those slash marks burn? Does it hurt? Did it bleed? Was it too deep? What did that idiot do to you? Did he touch you anywhere wrong?" His questions didn't have a stop button. "Lori Lori Lori you need to stop. Look, I know you blame yourself but is it of any use now? No right? Because what has to be done has happened. No it doesn't hurt that much and he didn't dare to touch me anywhere. These are just marks, it doesn't even hurt." I consoled him.

"Promise?" He asked. "Promise Lori. Now will you stop thinking so much!" I exclaimed. "Ana... I was just wondering.. I mean don't get me wrong but we have been having sex like every night right? We don't even use any protection.. And... I don't remember you having your periods for more than one or two months... And I even feel as if you have gained weight recently... Are you..." He has a point. "Hell yes... I didn't even notice. I stopped taking pills ever since I shifted with you... I don't know when I was last in my period... I think we should do the checkup. Stop at the grocery shop after the park, I'll buy the pregnancy tester kit." I answered.

"Yeah, I will do... Come now, don't think too much about it, we'll just see what it is tonight but before that I want to tell you something important." He said and in a quick motion he was up and was scooping me in his arms. As usual he sat me near the wardrobe and chose the clothes for both of us. Since then we were only going to sleep. "Ana, when will we be going to the park?" He asked, rummaging through the cupboard.

"Four thirty five maybe?" "Okay cool. It's just three anyway." He smiled to himself. "What was that important thing Lori?" I asked and at the same moment he removed a pair of suits for himself. Where is he going?

"Ana... Today I'm going to hand over the mafia to my uncle. I no longer want this danger lingering on our lives. Even though Alexander thinks that the mafia is a walking danger, he also gave it up. And what he did at his place wasn't wrong but the problem he did was not to think practically and after we knocked sense into him, he even said that the mafia led them to danger. I am sure one day, we all would be very good friends. I don't want the tag of the mafia king. I don't want to suffer the loss of losing you or anyone even though it was just seven days, I know how bad my days became. I can't bear the loss. Call me a loser. But now, I want it all over. That's it. I want to start all afresh. No mafia. No tension. I don't know the consequences but I'm now sure of it and nothing can change it. What do you think Ana?" He asked, my eyes were moistened on his words. I immediately brought him in a hug and wrapped my legs around his torso.

"I can't be happier, Lori. Can I come with you? I'll sit in the car. I promise." I whined. "Ana... You know that it's not safe. And you know how my uncle is... Please understand, baby." He whispered, hugging me. "I promise I'll sit in the car. Please Lori. I know how he is but he doesn't know how I am. I can shoot also, I will take my dagger also along with me. And I will have my Lori also and I know he won't even let anyone touch me let alone harm me." I answered by touching his hair with my hand.

"Okay fine but you won't come out with a promise?" He asked, pulling apart looking at me. "Thank you Lori. I love you so much." I smiled and bobbed my legs like a small kid who just got his favourite candy. "Come on now, don't be too excited. We have to reach there by four and it is twenty minutes away from here." He informed me by pecking my forehead. "What do you wanna wear?" He asked.

"You choose for me. I'm okay with anything." "Hey how about this, we'll go there, and when we return, we'll call kids down only so we can directly go to the park." He suggested. "Good idea. What am I wearing Lori?" I asked, ruffling his hair. He gave me a woollen light blue crop top with full sleeves jacket and striped skirt for bottoms. "Wear the jacket now, remove it when we go to the park." I love how easy he makes things for me. I quickly pecked him and was about to wear it when he picked me up with both of our clothes in my hand and sat me on the bed.

"I'll wear it to you." He whispered. He first dried me with the towel and wore my clothes and then wore his. I was blow drying my hair when I caught him looking at me with thirsty eyes. "Lori absolutely not right now. Come here." I was warned. He came near me and swept me off of the floor. "Let me keep it down first then we'll go. Don't even think of that right now." I whined.

"Don't you speak too much?" He chuckled. I placed the blow dryer down on the table as he bent a bit and then kissed me roughly. The kiss was more passionate than ever and it felt like we just didn't want to break it but we had to when we were out of breath. "Oh Jesus, the things you do to me." He whispered and walked out of the room ofcourse with me in his arms. "Let's check up on the kids first." And with that he opened the door of their room and saw them sleeping peacefully. Good they didn't hear us.

"Nana, we are going out for some work, keep the children ready at four thirty, we are going to the park today." Lori asked her as she nodded at him. "Nana, why don't you come too? The more the merrier." I suggested. "No child. How can I-" "Nana she's right. You should also come along. Kids will also have company and we can also spend some time by ourselves." He winked.

"Okay sure. But is the time you spend together less? I don't know why but I hear..." "Nana. We're getting late. Come on Lori let's go." I interrupted, knowing what was going to come. "I was saying I hear you both talking everyday and night on calls or while having dinner." She laughed with Lori and we walked away.

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