Chapter 3

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Anastasia's POV

As I walked inside, I was met with Aria and her decorative hair. String of small golden artificial flowers stuck in a fashionable manner in her hair. I and Aria were close too. Not as much as me and Lori but we were on pretty talking terms. Well ... Except for the fact that it didn't remain after that six year gap thingy. But we used to share secrets and we also used to have 'girl talks' though she's four years younger than me.

"What's up Barbie queen?" I asked, patting her shoulder as she was smiling widely at me. "He seems so different now. What have you done to the old Lorenzo?" She asked, grabbing my hand. "I just told him that I won't ask anything about his past or related to the mafia because I sort of noticed that he gets heated up on that topic... " I trailed away. "You're amazing Tasia! I mean like wow. He has changed so much in just one day. But uhh.." she stopped herself and looked around.

"Let's continue this conversation in your room. This isn't the best place since our families are here too and I don't want them to listen to this." She got so serious in a split second. Are both the siblings bipolar? I shrugged the fact and walked in my room. She sat beside me on the bed.

"Listen Tasia. Just know that I'm telling you all this because I know you and care for you and I know Lorenzo too well. He has gone through so much in the past six years. You must be thinking that he went away from you and never tried to contact you again but that's not at all true. He was sent to mafia school exactly a night before your birthday six years ago. He was there for five years and came back just last year. He wasn't in contact with us either. When he came back, he was a totally different person. A cold and heartless kind of person. With raging anger on the tip of his nose. It was so difficult for us to get used to him. Later on dad announced him as the CEO of Giovanni corp and as Mafia leader too. He earned the tag of Mafia king himself though. He has just been through hell and back. Today, when I saw this side of him though for only a few minutes or so, I felt a new ray of hope inside me. It felt like, yes, he can be changed again. And Tasia, only you can do this. You have to give him time. But you can do this. Bring our old Lorenzo back. I know he has his responsibilities and all but the way he turned one eighty, I am begging you to bring him back." In the end she was in tears. And so was I.

This all explains his behaviour on the mention of Mafia and all. I'll try to change him. "You don't have to beg for that Aria, I will help as much as I can. Don't worry. I can't promise to change him but I surely can promise to try to change him." I hugged her as she kept crying in my arms. She was like a little sister to me. And seeing her cry makes my heart ache. Lorenzo Giovanni. You're a mission to me now. And I promise I'll accomplish this mission though it feels like a mission impossible to me.

"Anyway, I'll get going. I have to prepare for you guy's wedding, so take some rest because you also have a lot on your plate now." She stood up wiping her eyes and winked at me, walking out. And me being me, I went to bed without thinking anything further because if I'd have then my brain will burst up and I know that for sure.

"Tasia, wake up!" This annoying voice ugh. Wait- it's Tats! "You traitor! You lied to me. You came into my life as a saver and today I got to know that you were sent into my life and you never even told me anything about Lori. You knew what I felt for him. Then too? How can you do this to me Tatiana!? How!?" I shouted at her tears brimming my eyes.

"I know you're mad at me and you have every right to. But I was just asked to do that. But our friendship was true. It is true. I never betrayed you. I never said a single word to Lorenzo. I always kept your secrets as secrets. Why does it matter why I was sent or something. What matters is our friendship. I never left your side. Always saved you. Helped you. Does that not matter Tasia? I loved you by my heart and I still do and promise to do further. I know that I shouldn't have hidden it from you but it was for your good. Just imagine that I told you that I was sent by his family. Would you ever accept me knowing that Lori left you which I know he didn't but would you have accepted me Tasia?" She asked, grabbing both of my hands. Ugh man! Why is everyone being so true today? My birthday is hitting me like a brick. 24th hellish birthday! I hate you!

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