Chapter 17

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Four years later

Anastasia's POV

Being a single mother to triplets is difficult. But I have no other option. I woke up with all the three beside me and did my daily chores. Now I'm not living the same luxurious and lavish life I used to. After everything happened, I left him for good and shifted to a small town not too away from our house.

I'm now an employee in a small company. I have cut ties with everyone. Mom, dad, Lori, his family, Tats and Marco too. After I ran away from that place the same day when I got to know that Lori cheated on my father, the same day I got to know that my mom had a heart attack, the same day my father almost went missing. When I shifted here, a few weeks or almost a month later I got to know I am pregnant with these three babies. Honestly, I was the happiest person walking on the earth but again I was having a deep guilt inside me and I still have that guilt that their father doesn't know that he has three cute babies of his. I don't know anything about them. Nothing. I don't even know if my mom survived or not. Some rumours in the news showed that she didn't survive while some showed she was serious and some showed that everything about her is a rumour. So I stopped reading or watching the news itself. I'm no longer in contact with Lori too and I miss him like anything. But I can't go back... Not after everything that has happened. But I don't want to hide his own kids from him, I'll surely let him know about them one day.

Aiden, Atlas and Alex. From eldest to youngest respectively. They look exactly like Lorenzo. Sometimes it hurts a bit when I see them, it reminds me of my past. They all are taller than their age kids, surely they have got that in heredity of both me and Lori. They come around my waist at just four years. Their all the features similar to Lori. One had hair like mine, one had my nose and one had my eyes. At Least something they have is similar to me!

"Mumma, will you be home early today?" Alex asked. "I'll try to be, baby. And anyway Rosie will be coming here." I tickled his nose. Rosie is the babysitter of the kids. We both are practically best friends now. Even though she's a single mother, her husband died in an accident. And she has no connection with her families as they cut ties with her when they both eloped.

Working upon files over files, I don't know when time flew and I was working past office hours. Since I was busy the whole day, I didn't even notice. I switched off my laptop and walked down gathering all my stuff.

As soon as I reached her home, I widened my arms as much as I could to hug my three babies. "I'm sorry I came late today." I said in the hug. "It's okay mumma." Aiden stroked my cheek. "We all missed you so much." Atlas spoke. "I missed you too. Come on, hop in. Let's go home." I said ruffling their hair.

"Thank you very much again Rosie. You're such a great help." I said and handed her the money.

She smiled and told me how she loved taking care of the kids, how polite they were and how they didn't give her a hard time. She also went on about how she still didn't understand how I could handle three kids at once - alone. When she said all those, I couldn't help but smile and chuckle. She's praising me too much although I do admit that it's been very hard. Especially when they were all just babies.

This was one of our many conversations but always the same subject. Mrs. Anderson was a sweet woman who did generous deeds and never expected anything back. She didn't even want me to pay her for taking care of the kids, but of course that's unacceptable. I know how hard taking care of them can be.

As I was accompanying her on her way out, she stopped in her tracks and turned to me with a curious expression on her face. "Ah, that's right. I almost forgot. Some men knocked on the door earlier today and they were looking for you." she started. "They looked very suspicious and of course I asked them their reasons before giving away information. They said some relative of yours is looking for you, but I didn't believe they were looking for you for good reasons, so I told them that I was the one living in the house and that you were the previous tenant here." she said, sounding very proud of what she'd done. I didn't even realise that I was holding my breath until she held my hand. "Now, dear. Have you had some bad dealings in the past? If yes, you know I can always help you, alright?" she ended, her voice still sounding so sweet. No way, I thought.

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