Chapter 6

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Lorenzo's POV

As soon as we reached the beach, we saw the guests eating food and having fun, not even caring to look at the bride and groom itself. We walked towards our parents who were busy discussing lord knows what.

"Sir, dad. We're here." I called them out. I call Ana's dad as sir because sort of looks like a strict man and I used to be scared of him back then. "Where did you two run off?" "Who elopes with the person you have already married?" "Are you out of your mind!?" "The guests and all humiliated us so much." "You didn't even tell us what was going on?" "Tasia, you also were being so irresponsible." All of them started throwing questions at us. I knew this was going to come up.

"Can we sit and talk?" I asked now, getting irritated. Ana was the one who was getting scolded the most and I won't tolerate anyone saying even a word to my wife. I've loved her since we were in school and gladly it was reciprocated. Though the confession was late. I've always saved her in all the ways I can. And I will keep doing so in future too.

We all went and sat on a table and sir calmly looked at me. No matter how strict he was, he has always been cool with Ana and has supported her in her difficulties. I've seen that one speciality of his all my life. And I wish to be like her dad only. To whom she can tell everything. The vows I spoke today weren't the ones I wanted to speak. I was asked to speak. Though the last lines were said by my wish I wanted to tell her many more things.

"Explain you two!" Sir spoke. Ana was still looking down on her lap. I placed my hand on hers from under the table and she looked at me. I gave her the look of I-will-take-care-of-this-don't-worry. And looked at him. "Sir. First of all, I am going to tell everything true today and I'll try to be honest. I apologise about what we did but when I'm apologising, it's not by my heart. This is something I've always wanted to do. Elope with my bride the moment we marry. Ana is not at fault here. Don't tell her anything or scold her. Scold me or hit me however much you want to. Spare her. It was my idea. Since childhood or since we started loving, we had our wedding planned. This was just one part of our plan too. It was all my plan. Ana was just going along as I asked her to." I explained honestly and he nodded at me.

"Stop calling me sir now. You're my son in law. Call me dad or father or something." He smiled. "I or any of us are not angry at what you did. We were just surprised and maybe overreacted. Uhh I want to have a word with you in person. Just for a minute. Excuse us guys." He said and stood up. Ana looked at me and I nodded at her, leaving her hand and walking up to uncle.

"Sir, I want to tell you something first. I know I'm not the correct person for your daughter. But you know what. The vows I spoke there were just what I was asked to speak by everyone because it somewhat sounds good and all. The vows I wanted to speak were a bit different. Everything I said was true. You also know that I am not very good when it comes to sweet talk. But I wanted to add a big point in it. First a promise and a very important thing. A promise to her that I'll change my whole self and become a person she'd love and cherish more than the person standing here in front of you. And the most important thing is that I want to be like you in her life. Like how you are with Ana. She trusts you with everything. She runs to you whenever she's in trouble. She always comes to you once a day just to smile at you or ask you how your day was. I want to be like you for her. To whom she trusts with everything, she shares everything, she stays happy with and much more. Sir, I'm not sure if she told you about this but I had broken the rule also. I called her yesterday. I wanted to make myself better in her eyes. You already know what happened in the past six years. And I get heated up when anyone mentions the mafia and that happened on her birthday too. She mentioned it and I lost my temper. I even hurt her but she kept saying she'll help me and she'll change me for good. How can someone be so selfless sir? How? Despite knowing nothing about me, she just jumped in the well. I'm really sorry about what I did today but this is something we've always wanted." Until now I was almost in tears. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned back to look at Ana standing there. She herself was having water in her eyes.

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