Chapter 21

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Lorenzo's POV

She finally agreed. I know it'll take time for her to open up to me. Though we're not on very good terms, we surely will be soon. Yesterday, she baked a cake of my favourite flavour. She didn't even have a single piece of the cake so I asked her friend to pack me the remaining cake so that I could feed her myself. I know many ways to tame her.

Thinking about these boys, we'll never expect it. They are so like me. By looks too and a bit by nature too. Right now I am parking my wagon in the garage of our rifugio and all the four were peacefully sleeping. I got up and walked towards Ana's side and opened the door. I placed a hand on her cheek and pecked her forehead. I can surely do this while she's asleep.

Her eyes fluttered open at my touch and she looked at me. Her body suddenly went stiff. She turned around to look at me in shock. It felt as if something had happened to her. She contracts a lot on my physical touch. I don't know if it is about me or our past or I'm just hallucinating. "We're home, my love. Come on." I whispered, taking back my hand.

She nodded and slowly walked down. "Let's be silent and take them up in the room." She said opening the back door. "I'll pick Aiden and Atlas, you go with Alex." I said more like ordered and she nodded. I walked to the other side, picked them up and walked ahead.

As soon as I opened the door, Grace Nana looked at me and smiled looking at two babies in my hand. "Yours?" She asked as I nodded with wet eyes. Ana walked from behind and Nana's eyes widened. "Anastasia.. it's been so long. Look at you, you've gotten so thin. Get in child." She smiled and we walked towards her. "Nana, we'll be back in a minute, don't want to disturb their sleep okay." I whispered as she nodded, smiling at us.

I was about to open a door that was in front of us but she insisted on sleeping in our bed. I could never win against her so it was better to agree. And my bed was so huge that all the five of us could sleep comfortably. She laid Alex down and I did the same with Aiden and Atlas. After tucking them in the bed, we closed the door silently and went down.

"I'll be back." I told Ana as she sat on the couch. No wonder we both were tired, Grace Nana was important. She wanted to talk to us or have some random chit chat with us. And of course there's nothing wrong in it because she was all alone after Ana went away. I drowned myself in work and also drank some days. I myself wasn't in the right mind.

I walked towards the car and took out the bag which had the cake packed for Ana. I still remember what Sophia said while giving me the cake, "She's been through a lot. I've known her since the day she got to know she was pregnant. Not even a single day has passed when she wouldn't have grabbed your photo in her arms and cried. She felt both sad and guilty. Sad for leaving you and guilty for hiding them from you. You know, when she got labour pain, she didn't even have her phone with her in her bag but she had your photo, so she walked to the hospital herself. Alone. The whole while, from going to hospital to giving delivery to these three, she had your photo in her hand. Before seeing the boys herself, she showed them to you first. She really loved you. She used to say then that she regretted going away but again she said it was better that way. She felt cheated, hurt, broken but not beyond repair. Hell she isn't even sure if her mom is dead or alive still. I am just telling you so that you know what you meant for her. Just don't break her again. I hope you understand."

She loved me all the while... Even though I did, I still do... But what about her? Does she still do it? With this all in my mind, I walked in and saw Grace Nana sitting with her talking about something I don't know. "Ana?" I started as she looked at me. "Hungry?" She shook her head. How dare she! She hasn't even eaten anything since Aiden was lost.

"I'm preparing some yummy food for you." I said and walked away. "I said I'm not hungry." She walked behind me screaming in my ears. "You have to eat. You haven't eaten the whole day. It's not a request from Mrs Giovanni, it's an order. Sit with Nana for a while, I'll be back." I answered slowly, patting her back. Trying to not make her angry.

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