Chapter 32

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The rhythmic sound of the grandfather clock echoed through Nicholas's dimly lit office. I shifted uncomfortably in the plush armchair, finishing the last delectable bite of the chicken sandwich his secretary had kindly provided. Her icy glare had left me puzzled, wondering what I had done to earn her disapproval.

Nicholas seemed to sense my unease, briefly tearing his gaze away from the document he had been meticulously examining before my arrival. However, his attention was quickly diverted by an urgent phone call, leaving me to my own thoughts. I fidgeted, unsure of how to gracefully exit without expressing my gratitude for the meal. His voice on the phone was filled with an unfamiliar language that only served to deepen my confusion.

Maybe I should slip away quietly? I pondered, my conscience nudging me in agreement.

As I contemplated my escape, I began to move my empty plate towards the adjacent stool, intending to leave it there. But before I could complete the action, a resounding thud reverberated through the room, causing me to startle.

"You can't be serious!" Nicholas's voice boomed, his frustration palpable.

He shot me a fleeting glance before striding towards the window, seemingly oblivious to my presence. The intensity of his anger was evident as he loosened his suit jacket, the fabric straining against his broad shoulders. Whatever had transpired during his phone call had clearly left him seething.

My eyes, however, couldn't help but wander, appreciating the view before me. I entertained the thought of remaining a little longer, hoping he might remove his suit entirely. But a sense of urgency compelled me to leave discreetly. Without a second thought, I set the plate down on the stool and began to tiptoe towards the exit, careful to make no noise.

Almost there, Red, my conscience whispered encouragingly.

Just as I neared the door, ready to make my escape, a voice filled with anger and authority pierced the air.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

My body froze, a sudden wave of dizziness washing over me. Reluctantly, I turned to face Nicholas, who was now standing, his rage palpable. The intensity in his eyes and the way he clenched his right hand sent shivers down my spine. If I hadn't been afraid of him before, I certainly was now.

My legs began to tremble, instinctively moving me backward, away from the formidable figure before me. Nicholas seemed to notice my fear, and a flicker of regret crossed his features.

"Fuck," he murmured, more to himself than anyone else.

"Red, I'm-" he began, but his words trailed off, leaving us both in an uncomfortable silence. He continued to stare at me, his gaze penetrating and searching for something.

Before I could find the courage to respond or even turn away, the door swung open, revealing a petite woman who I assumed was another guardian.

"Did I interrupt something here?" she inquired, clearly sensing the tension in the room.

"No, Miss Kim, I was just on my way," I answered quickly, my voice tinged with a mix of fear and relief, eager to escape the charged atmosphere.

Nicholas, however, contradicted my statement, his gaze still fixed on me before shifting to the newcomer.

"She was not," he stated firmly, his eyes never leaving mine.

Miss Kim seemed taken aback by his response, her confusion evident. She glanced between the two of us, sensing an unspoken exchange that she did not fully understand.

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