Chapter 54

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Red Pov

I stood there, frozen in the realization of what I had just uncovered the weight of the truth pressed upon me, threatening to crush my spirit. How could I be so blind? The person standing before me, with their piercing gaze and unnerving smile, was not who I thought they were.

My Mother. I was a fool to think that her being alive could even be possible. A small part of me hoped that she was real but it just proves that hope is for dreamers.

And this is fucking reality.

" You're a shapeshifter," I whispered once again, my voice barely audible, as if fearing the mere utterance of those words would bring about unforeseen consequences. " You keep saying the word 'shapeshifter', aren't you tired," she taunted, her voice dripping with malevolence. It was frightening listening to her speak with the sound of both man and child.

" I prefer Gwen, don't you think?" She asked, a smirk playing on her lips.

I gulped," O-Okay, Gwen what do you want from me?" I tried to maintain a calm demeanor, despite the unnerving atmosphere in the room. " Aside from ruining your date with Mr. Hot Shot up there," She chuckles in a manly tone. " I'm simply just here to deliver something unique your Aunt Morgan wants from you," A sinister smile crept across her face as she revealed her dark purpose.

Aunt Morgan? How does this benefit her? A sudden memory filled my mind recalling the cryptic words she said before nearly killing Amelia and Uncle J.

" To see the death of my dear niece, isn't it fun?"

" My blood," I whispered, the weight of Aunt Morgan's words echoing in my mind. She had mentioned people seeking my blood to awaken a sinister creature, but what could she possibly gain from it? Her motives remained shrouded in mystery, and now she had sent a shapeshifter after me.

" It doesn't make sense," I muttered, my voice filled with confusion and fear. Gwen smirked, slowly pacing around the room, her presence sending chills through me. Her eyes held a darkness that could only belong to nightmares.

" Everything makes perfect sense, and I know in your little brain that I won't get away with this blah blah blah," She said, rolling her eyes in annoying, it was clear that she wasn't pleased with her mission.

" Honestly looking at you, I have to say I'm not impressed," What? " You see when Morgan told me about the first hybrid of our kind, I expected someone a bit more... Challenging," Gwen said, her eyes scanning my body with a mix of annoyance and disappointment. Her words left me baffled, did she expect me to have two heads or what?

I stood there, my heart pounding in my chest, as Gwen's words sank in. "Never the less, a deal is a deal," She stated, her voice filled with a mix of mystery and intrigue. Confusion washed over me as I tried to make sense of her words. " What deal?' I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me.

Her eyes gleamed with mischievous glint as I asked the question," Since you'll become blood juice any moment from now, why not spill some information? It's the least I can do," She pouts.

" My kind is dying," She stated," And your Aunt can bring them back to life, all I have to do is pledge my devotion to The Dark lord."

The mention of the dark lord brought a sense of uneasiness in me, I couldn't help but wonder just how powerful this being was if he required my blood to awaken. " Can't he come to life another way," I muttered, hoping for an alternative solution.

She scoffed at my question," Do you even know who the Dark lord is?" She hissed, her anger evident in her blood-red eyes. " Do you think he's just some creature that can be woken anyhow from decades of slumber?" She said, and I regret not finding enough information about this dark lord.

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