Chapter 34

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Red Pov


I'm not crazy.

But wait Red, it's a fucking library anyone can come here to learn and I'm thinking shits about it.

Focus on the reason you're here.

As Xavier and I settled into our designated study area, my eyes wandered across the room, taking in the intricate details of the library. The scent of aged paper and polished wood filled the air, blending harmoniously with the faint fragrance of vanilla-scented candles placed strategically on some of the tables. The shelves towered high above us, their contents a testament to the vast expanse of human knowledge.

Xavier's confident voice broke through my reverie, his tone filled with authority as he declared, "The beautiful origin of Vampires." His words were infused with a sense of pride, as if he held the secrets of the undead within the depths of his soul.

Intrigued by his self-assuredness, I couldn't help but challenge his choice. "Nahhh... I'm thinking Werewolves. I find them more intriguing." The memory of my encounter with the wolf in the forest still sent shivers down my spine, and I yearned to delve deeper into their mysterious existence.

Xavier rose from his seat, a smug smile dancing on his lips, and began scouring the library for books on vampires. His confident strides and purposeful movements exuded an air of authority, as if he owned the library itself. However, I refused to be overshadowed or underestimated. I, too, stood up, determined to find my own answers.

"And I'm the student here that wants to learn, so..." I cut in, asserting my independence and eagerness to explore. My footsteps echoed softly on the polished wooden floor as I ventured deeper into the library, my eyes scanning the rows of shelves in search of information on werewolves.

As I navigated the labyrinth of books, a peculiar sensation washed over me-an otherworldly presence lingering in the air. It was as if invisible eyes were watching my every move, sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was not alone. I called out softly into the silence, hoping to dispel my growing unease. "Hello..."

To my surprise, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed in response, hastily retreating from my location. Determined to uncover the source, I followed the fading sound, my steps quickening as I pursued the mysterious observer. The library's layout became a maze of aisles and sections, but my focus remained unyielding.

Lost in my pursuit, I suddenly found myself in a secluded corner of the library, the shelves forming a protective cocoon around me. It was here that a loud noise shattered the silence, causing me to jump in alarm. Dust particles swirled in the air, illuminated by the streams of sunlight that filtered through the narrow gaps between books.

Curiosity piqued, I approached the fallen book, its size and worn appearance commanding attention. As I lifted it from the ground, I felt its weight in my hands, its weathered cover hinting at the passage of time and the secrets it held within. I couldn't resist the urge to blow away the accumulated dust, causing a cloud to billow into the air and tickle my nose.

"ATCHOOO!" I sneezed uncontrollably, my body recoiling from the sudden burst of expelled air. After a moment of recovery, I focused on the book's cover, wiping away the remaining dust. The words etched on its surface appeared faded, as if the ravages of time had taken their toll. I struggled to pronounce the foreign words, managing to articulate only the first phrase, "Historia de..." The rest eluded me, leaving me yearning for answers.

Determined to unveil the contents, I attempted to open the book, but it resisted my efforts, its pages bound tightly together. Lost in my determination, I failed to notice the stealthy approach behind me, the sound of footsteps growing nearer.

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