Chapter 36

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Red Pov

I could feel the weight of the rumors pressing down on me, suffocating me with their cruel words and judgment. It wasn't the first time I had faced such accusations, but this time it felt ten times worse. In high school, it was just idle gossip whispered in the bathroom, but here, in this new environment, the whispers followed me relentlessly, penetrating every corner of my existence.

"I thought she might be different."

"I knew she had eyes for him."

"Ohh, can't wait for Aubrey to find out."

But Aubrey was the one who had started this whole mess. The irony wasn't lost on me, but I couldn't find the strength to speak up. Jacob, sensing my distress, reached out and held my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks.

"Don't listen to them, Red," he said firmly, his voice filled with unwavering support. "As long as you know you're innocent, that's all that matters."

I mustered a nod, unable to find the words to respond. Together, we continued walking, seeking refuge in the classroom where the teacher was already waiting. At least for the next thirty minutes, there would be no insults thrown my way.

As I made my way to where the guys were seated, my eyes caught Xavier staring at me. A surge of anger welled up within me, the desire to wipe that smug expression off his face almost overwhelming. Did he want to create another story through his persistent stares?

I quickly took my seat next to Dean, resting my face on the table, seeking solace. "Red, you need to stay strong," Dean whispered, his voice filled with empathy. "Trust me, news doesn't stay long here. In less than a week, it will mellow down."

"Ohh, how lucky am I?" I retorted sarcastically, knowing Dean understood the bitter tone. "I know, but it still doesn't help the fact that he's staring at me." Dean turned to glance at Xavier, who was still fixated on our table, and I overheard a few hushed whispers about it.

In that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness. I knew the guys were here for me, but I longed to confide in someone else, to share my burdens with another soul.

"Reyes?" I thought, reaching out mentally. "Umm, are you here?"

To my surprise, he responded, his voice echoing in my mind. "Yes, love, you called."

"Ohh... umm, I just wanted to know if you're still here. You can go now," I stammered, feeling a mix of fear and anticipation. Why did talking to him suddenly make me feel scared, albeit in a strangely comforting way?

"Remember, I can hear your thoughts," he reminded me, teasingly.

Dean's words echoed in my mind, and I found myself pouring out my fears and frustrations to Reyes. I confessed my worries about the rumors spreading, the fear of being unjustly expelled, and the anguish of feeling abandoned by my uncle. I didn't want to burden Aunt May, and my friends here had been a tremendous support, but...

"But what...?" Reyes prompted, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"I just... I just want someone to hug me and tell me everything will be alright," I confessed, my voice trembling. "To assure me that all the problems I'm facing will fade away, and that I'll find the strength to endure until then."

As I spoke, warm tears streamed down my face, dampening the desk beneath me. I hadn't realized I had been crying throughout our conversation. After pouring out my heart, I expected Reyes to respond, but instead, he simply vanished. I called out his name repeatedly, but there was no answer. Perhaps my words had been too much, even for him.

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