Chapter 58: Moonlit Whispers

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I gazed at the wounds, my heart clenching at the sight of it. Thin rivulets of inky black blood trickled from his battered flesh, staining the ground beneath him. It was a hauntingly beautiful yet agonizing sight-a silent plea for salvation. And for him, that salvation lay for him to embrace his full wolf form. Curiosity gnawed at me, yearning to witness what made him so extraordinary, what set him apart from the other wolves, even though this was my first foray into this mystical world.

Yet, there was one problem.

In order to transform, he had to shed his human guise, and that meant removing his clothes. I knew it was wrong to let myself entertain such lascivious thoughts, but could you really blame a girl? It wasn't every day that an attractive man kissed the breath out of you, only to require complete nudity to save himself. I should have been more mature about the situation, but alas, every fiber of my being rebelled against such restraint.

"Red, are you still here?" His voice cut through the haze of my wayward musings, snapping me back to reality. I blinked, my gaze locking onto his weary eyes. Even in his weakened state, with perspiration glistening on his brow, he exuded a raw magnetism that defied explanation. The sight of him in pain tore at my heart, leaving me torn and conflicted. "I'm here, Nicholas. Just do what you have to do. Transform," I urged, pushing aside all improper thoughts.

"Thank you, but there's something I need you to do for me," he said, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability that stirred my senses. I swallowed hard caught in my throat. What could he possibly require my help with? Perhaps he simply needed assistance in sitting more comfortably. In my mind, I nodded, searching for the most logical reason that would warrant his request for my aid. As if in response, The wind whispered through the surrounding darkness, its chilling touch sending shivers down my spine. Despite the darkness enveloping us, I could discern every contour of his face, illuminating every line of his face with an otherworldly glow.

" I need you to close your eyes when I transform into my wolf form," Nicholas informed me, his voice grave and his expression serious. A frown creased my forehead as his words sank in. I had been eagerly anticipating the sight of him in his wolf form, and now he was asking me to deny myself that experience. Conflicting emotions swirled within me, mingling curiosity with a sense of disappointment. "Why?" I couldn't help but question, my voice laced with both intrigue and a tinge of frustration.

For a brief moment, Nicholas's gaze drifted away from mine, his eyes penetrating some invisible depths as if grappling with the weight of a difficult decision. I watched as uncertainty etched itself across his features, adding to the enigmatic puzzle that surrounded him. Slowly, he uttered words that only served to deepen my confusion, "You can't see me... not now."

His enigmatic statements had been a constant source of confusion since the moment I was attacked in my room, through the events of this bizarre date, and now with this peculiar line. "Nicholas, you keep..." I started to voice my frustration, but I halted when I noticed his breath slowing, a sign that he was on the verge of losing consciousness. Realizing that this was not the opportune moment to confront him, I clenched my jaw, biting back my words, and released a weary sigh. Rising from the ground, I prepared to leave his side, to give him the space he needed for his transformation.

However, as I moved to stand, Nicholas's grip tightened around my wrist, halting my retreat. His touch was gentle yet urgent, a silent plea for understanding. "Please don't be upset," he implored, his voice filled with a mix of earnestness and vulnerability. "I promise I will tell you everything, but for now, let everything I say be meaningless words to you." His words hung in the air, carrying a weight that I couldn't fully grasp. But yet I remained silent, simply nodding in response.

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