Chapter 9: A New World

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The forest looked stunning, with vibrant colors and tall trees reaching for the sky. The sun shone bright, making everything clear. I turned to my uncle, who seemed impressed too.

"It's amazing," I said, filled with awe.

But I couldn't shake a nagging question: Where was the academy we were supposed to find? I looked to my uncle for answers.

He paused, scanning ahead. I saw nothing but a path. "Why aren't you telling me?" I asked, feeling frustrated.

"It's not that," he said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "The school is right here, but you can't see it... yet," he explained calmly.

"I thought we've had enough challenges today," I said, feeling tired.

"We have, but you don't understand how important this place is. Red, we have to keep it hidden to protect our kind," he said urgently.

"Our kind?" I asked, unsure if I was part of that group.

"Of course, you're part of it too. Do you think everything in the human world happened by chance?" he asked, his eyes showing he knew something.

I paused, unsure what to say. "I guess not," I admitted quietly.

"Good," he said, rubbing his hands together.

"What are you doing?" I asked, curious.

"Now that we're on the same page, you need to know to get into the school, you need someone with authority to let you in. Luckily, that's me," he said proudly.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "So, I need to hold your hand to get in?" I sighed, feeling resigned.

He nodded. "What other choice do you have?"

Reluctantly, I took his hand, feeling uneasy. Besides Aunt May, I didn't like touching others, but I didn't want him to know that.

"Just be quiet for now," he ordered.

"But-" I started to argue, but he gave me a look that made me stop. Afraid of what he might do, I apologized quietly and lowered my head. He sighed and started mumbling something I couldn't understand, like he was speaking a different language.

Suddenly, the trees vanished, replaced by a tall building. It appeared out of nowhere, leaving me speechless. It was all so strange, so amazing.

"This is incredible!" I exclaimed, turning to see my uncle staring at the school with mixed emotions.

I wanted to ask what was wrong, but I held back. He might snap at me.

"Let's go," he said, letting go of my hand and walking towards the school entrance. I followed, feeling frustrated and curious. I didn't want to pry into his problems, but I hoped he'd help me in this new place.

As we walked, I admired the huge school grounds, unlike anything I'd ever seen. A dragon-shaped fountain caught my eye, water sparkling as it flowed.

We walked in silence, and I noticed how quiet it was. It felt like we were alone there, which made me uneasy. Finally, we reached the entrance, and my uncle opened the door to reveal an office. The room felt old but charming, with a statue of a man and a werewolf shaking hands at its center, both funny and intriguing.

"This represents the equality between vampires and werewolves," my uncle suddenly spoke, startling me from my thoughts.

"I thought you said all creatures are welcome here," I replied, my curiosity getting the better of me.

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