Chapter 39: The plan 2

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"Oh, what's up, Aubrey?" I muttered, my hand instinctively reaching for my throbbing temple. She scoffed, removing her face from my side without uttering another word.

"Don't ' what's up' me, you slut," she sneered, perching herself on a nearby table.

"Excuse me?" I retorted, my voice tinged with both disbelief and anger.

"You heard me, S-L-U-T," she emphasized, drawing out each letter deliberately. My blood boiled like a volcano on the brink of eruption. All I could think of was how I wanted to shove a book down her throat, making her beg for mercy. But alas, I remembered Xavier's parting words, echoing in my mind.

"Oh, right, before I forget, you have to promise me one thing," he had said.

"Which is?" I had asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Whatever Aubrey says that may anger you, never react," he had instructed.

"You're joking, right?" I had scoffed, waiting for a punchline or a chuckle, but he had remained stoic.

"Dude, it's Aubrey. How am I supposed to keep quiet or ignore any hurtful things she says to me?"

"Come on, Red. You know she's just trying to upset you. Don't let her win," he had reasoned, attempting to reassure me.

"Okay, then, what should I do if she goes too far?" I had inquired, skeptical of his advice.

"I don't know, think of something to distract your mind. You could think of me," he had winked mischievously.

"Fine," I had reluctantly agreed.

"Really? You would?" he had smiled, revealing his perfect teeth.

"No," I had blurted out, unable to resist teasing him.

"That hurt," he had feigned a tear, placing a hand over his heart.

"Just what exactly are you planning?" I had pleaded, attempting to charm him with my old tricks, reminiscent of how I used to act with Aunt May.

"Nuh-uh, you're not getting anything out of these lips," he had pinched my cheeks playfully, eliciting annoyance from me.

"Just say nice things and don't attack her too much," he had instructed.

"Fine," I had reluctantly agreed, unsure of how effective it would be.

"Hello! Am I talking to a statue here?" Aubrey's impatient voice snapped me back to the present, her fingers audibly snapping in the distance.

To hell with Miss Devil.

"So... what are you doing here? I never imagined you as a nerd," I taunted, winking at her, relishing the gasp that escaped her lips.

"I don't give two shits. I'm leaving," she blurted out, turning to walk away. I didn't hesitate to respond.

"Why did you lie about Xavier and me?" I stopped her in her tracks, my voice steady and firm.

"What did you say?" Her voice carried a mix of surprise and defiance as she turned to face me.

"You heard me. You know nothing happened between him and me," I said, taking slow, deliberate steps towards her as she involuntarily retreated.

"You weren't here when I was with him, so what made you so certain that I fucked him?" I challenged, my tone laced with skepticism.

"What made you think I said it?" She smirked, leaning against the edge of a nearby bookshelf.

"Oh, please. It's only you who would think of such things. I haven't disturbed anyone since I arrived," I shot back, confident in my response.

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