Chapter 67

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As the water wrapped around me, pulling me deeper into its mysterious embrace, I clung to the remnants of air in my lungs, savoring each precious moment before succumbing to the watery depths. The world above me faded away, replaced by the symphony of sounds resonating through the liquid medium. It was as if the water itself possessed a melody, beckoning me further into its ethereal realm.

Weightlessness enveloped me, and I descended further into the abyss. The pressure of the water pressed against my body, a constant reminder of the immense power surrounding me. Darkness shrouded my closed eyes, but I resisted the urge to open them, fearing that I would be greeted by an endless void, devoid of any light.

And then, abruptly, my descent came to an unexpected halt. My feet connected with a solid surface, jolting me out of the trance-like state induced by the river's embrace. I had anticipated the touch of sand or jagged rocks, for I believed myself to be at the river's bottom. But to my bewildered surprise, the ground beneath me was smooth, almost unnaturally so.

Curiosity compelled me to tap the floor with my foot, and to my astonishment, a resonant echo reverberated through the water, rebounding off what I could only discern to be wood. It was a wooden floor. The revelation sent ripples of anticipation coursing through me, mingling with the cool currents of the river

How could there be a wooden floor in the depths of the river?

"Lydia, stay still"

The sound of a man's voice pierced through the depths of my consciousness, instantly jolting me awake. Recognition flooded my senses as I realized whose voice it was. Shock coursed through my veins as I took in my surroundings-a room adorned with baby items scattered about. Toys, diapers, and bottles lay untouched, as if frozen in time. My gaze settled upon a pristine cot positioned at the room's center. It exuded an air of newness, the smell of fresh white paint permeating the air.

Was this... my room?

As I grappled with the bewildering realization, the door swung open, and my heart nearly burst with overwhelming emotion.

"Okay, Mr. Builder, can I have my sight back?" A woman's voice rang out, her words laced with a playful tone. The man accompanying her at the back of the room raised his hands, gently covering her eyes.

Mum... Dad...

There stood my parents, as if plucked from the pages of my memory. A mixture of joy and sorrow swelled within me, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. My gaze shifted to Mum's rounded stomach, her pregnancy evident in its heaviness. Carefully, Dad guided her toward the cot, positioning her near it. I stood beside them, invisible and unable to make my presence known.

"Okay, honey," Dad murmured, removing his hands from Mum's eyes. She blinked, adjusting to the light before her gaze settled upon the room. Gasping softly, she whispered, "Oh, Ryan," her voice filled with tenderness as she took in the sight of the adorable rainbow painted on the wall.

"I told you, I can make a princess room for our princess," Dad beamed, his touch gentle as he caressed my Mum's stomach. "I can't wait for her to arrive, so I can shower her with all the love she deserves."

"D-Dad, I'm right here," I choked on my words, tears streaming down my cheeks as I longed to reach out and touch him. But I held back, aware of the fragility of the memory I was witnessing. I was an observer, unable to disturb the flow of the past.

"Me too, I can't wait for her to meet her stubborn father, who hasn't granted my ice cream request for the past few minutes." Mum's words cut through the air, bringing a bittersweet smile to my face. Her playful jest made Dad laugh, his eyes crinkling with mirth. "Sweetie, you finished the last one forty minutes ago!" he exclaimed, lightness in his voice as he made light of the situation.

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