Everglen Being Burnt By The Neverseen Made By AI

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Della was walking home from work, a warm breeze blowing her hair as the sun shined overhead. She couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and contentment as she walked near the area of Everglen, the house she had her kids in.

That peace was shattered when she rounded the corner and saw Everglen in flames. She could see smoke billowing from the buildings and people rushing around trying to put out the fire. Della's heart sank in her chest as she realized what was happening. Her home, the home she shared with her family, Fitz, Biana and Alden, was burning down.

Della ran towards the house, tears streaming down her face. She could feel the heat of the fire on her skin as she got closer. She pushed her way through the crowd and saw with horror the damage that had been done. The house that she had grown up in, that had been her safe haven, was gone.

In the midst of the chaos, Della noticed a few people standing off to the side, watching the destruction. She quickly recognized them as members of the Neverseen, a mysterious group that had been causing all sorts of trouble around the Lost Cities.

As Della watched her home burn, she realized that she and her family would have to start over. But she was determined to rebuild and make a new home for them. As the fire dwindled, she vowed to make sure that no one would ever be able to take away her family's home again.

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