The Others Blaming Sophie Part 1/10

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Part 1: Sophie was just walking around when Lady Gisela came out of nowhere then Biana happened to be invisible and saved her from Gisela but got more bruises/scars. Fitz, Stina, Wylie, Tam, Linh, Glimmer, Marella, Dex and Maruca then started screaming at her for letting Biana get hurt. Keefe could tell that Sophie was feeling guilty so he lead her up to her room sent her blue breezes and comforted her then when she got tired he tucked her into her bed. "Les gars savez-vous ce que vous lui avez fait?!" Keefe said in French. (A/N: All he said was 'Guys do you know what you did to her.') They all shake their heads not knowing what they did. "Vous l'avez fait culpabiliser!" He said. (A/N: 'You guys are making her feel guilty'. The next sentence isn't really nice so I will skip it.) "Vous êtes des cons égoïstes!" He said. The others stare at him confused because they don't understand French so then he switches to  Polish, "Nawet prosicie o udział w jej przygodach, ale potem ją karcicie!"He then realizes he is still talking in languages they don't understand. "Ek sal nie verbaas wees as sy nie meer wil hê julle moet help nie! Want al wat julle doen is om te kla as julle ingesluit is!" Fitz starts to talk but Keefe cuts him off saying "You were such a jerk to her because you didn't want her to be unmatchable and didn't want her to find her parents at her own will." Fitz gapes at him. He then goes to see Sophie who he saw was awake then said in Italian, "Ti senti meglio e senti più sensi di colpa?" She shakes her head no but her emotions tell him otherwise, "Er du sikker på at du ikke lyver for meg Sophie?" He asked. She looks at him looks down then says also in Norwegian, "Jeg tror ærlig talt ikke det, men jeg kan ta feil, du kan lese følelsene mine for å finne ut om jeg er det eller ikke." She said. He stares at her and figures out that she was lying. "¿Cuándo puedes aprender que no puedes mentirle a una empática?" He said. She stares then doesn't know at all. The others knock on her door to apologize to her.

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