Rex Gets An Ability

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Rex Dizznee had always felt like he was different. His parents had never thought he would get a Talent, telling him it was weird and strange. But Rex knew deep down that he had one.

He had just turned 13 and was feeling restless, like he needed something to do. That's when he heard about what Vanishers could do from Dex. People who could disappear at will and use their powers to help defeat the bad guys. He was intrigued by Biana vanishing then the light hit him and he disappeared.

He met a few Vanishers and was amazed by what he saw. He was able to use his Talent to vanish himself and he began to understand why his parents had been so scared of it because he could hide easily from them then.

But the most amazing thing happened when he visited his father, Kesler. His father was not only a Vanisher, but also a Phaser. A powerful Talent that allowed him to go through objects, walls and furniture. Kesler had been hiding this from Rex all these years because his brother was talentless.

Rex was overjoyed to find out he was not Talentless after all and that there was a whole world of possibilities ahead of him. He no longer needed to be sad about his parents' lies. He had the power to make a difference and he was going to use it.

(A/N: The Picture does not belong to me in any way at all. I just realized that Fitz's retort to anything doing with Sophie or them dating is "But Were Cognates" Like do you see your dad saying that to Quinlin? No is the answer so then that means that his only come back is things they do.)

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