Sophie and her friends Greek godly parents Part 2

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Dexter "Dex" Alvin Dizznee-Jukine Dizznee the alchemist and Hephestaus, Legacy of Kihone

Wylie Zoran Endal-Son of Apollo and shopkeeper Cyrah Endal.

Biana Amberly and Fitzory "Fitz" Avery Vacker children of Aphrodite and fashion designer Alden Vacker.

Linh Hai and Tam Dai Song-Children of Poseidon and artist Mai Song as well as Legacy of Hades.

Marella Adene Redek-Daughter of Hestia and Durand Redek.

Stina Destry Heks-Daughter of Ares and equestrian keeper Vika Heks.

Maruca Chebota-Daughter of Leseidi Chebota and Janus.

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