Siblings: Keefe's Older Sister Chapter 3/?

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"I'm talking about the legacy mom made of you joining the Neverseen?" She said.

Cassius was just as confused as Keefe.

"Wait are you Alyssa?" They both said in unison.

She tries to rember her name because she just forgot then did rember what her name was. 

"Yes, Yes I am." She said.

They use their Empath lie-detecting skills and figure out she is telling the truth.

"I always rembered you somehow." She told Keefe.

She checked him out for any scars and didn't see any.

"Were you being mentally abusive to Keefe, dad?" She asked.

His heart skipped 3 beats when he said, "No"

She stares at him in hurt because she doesn't want another awful parent like her mom so she decided to stay with Keefe the whole time they were home, so he didn't need to deal with it some more everyday. She colored with him and tried to stay on the weekends but nothing worked to calm him down from what there dad did to him. 

"I always thought mom was the better one out of the two."He said. "But I guess I am really wrong now." He then cries because of all of the pain. "Dad says boys shouldn't cry and that he is disappointed in me if I do." He said.

She was starting to call the Black Swan to help them but then decided against it.

"It is ok, if you cry." She said. "Everyone does even the best of the best of us."

She stares into outerspace.

"I honestly think dad doesn't have a heart anymore because of mom." She said.

Cassius was eavesdropping. "I will try to be more nice to both of you now." He said. "Also rember that I am the better parent not your mom."

Alyssa then starts to feel happy that they can do that.

"Shouldn't you let the Black Swan know your back?" Cassius told Alyssa.

"Yes I should." She said.

She gets her Imparter calls the Black Swan and told them that she was back.

They were all overly confident that she was back that they forgot about the Neverseen and their Moonlark until she brought both of them back into the topic.

"What does the Moonlark look like?" She asked.

She was really curious about her.

"She has golden-blonde wavy shoulder length hair, pale skin and brown eyes with gold flecks also her name is Sophie." Mr. Forkle responded.

She thought for awhile.

"Wait did a brown haired boy with teal eyes, go and get her?" She asked.

Mr. Forkle waited a bit for new questions.

"Yes" He said.

The call ended and Keefe said that boy's name was Fitz and that they were bffs.

((A/N: Aren't you lucky to have no cliffhangers today.))

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