Chapter 12: Same yet not

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Chapter 12 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard~

The brunette carefully grabbed the smaller boy's slender arm and attempted to pull the boy out of the water.

"Oww.... I can't stand you know..."

The boy winced in pain and the brunette mentally slapped himself because he should have already guessed that.

"Sorry... I'm going to pick you up then"

A small and adorable blush crossed over the younger's face as he was silent so the older guessed that he was given permission.

He gently lifted up the smaller boy and placed him in the wheelchair, at a closer look the brunette was shocked by the young boy's features.

His blue hair was perfectly shaped to resemble that of a bellflower, it suited his pale face that were home to beautiful sapphires, the boy's body was slender and light, just like his love Aichi.


The brunette couldn't help but to ask the question even though he knew that his love was already dead.

"Huh? Who's that? I'm Aisen"

The blue haired boy replied, instantly crushing the brunette's heart unintentionally.

"Ah sorry I thought you were a friend of mine...."

The brunette murmured.

"Oh I see...."

Jades then flickered towards the soggy bandages covering the young boy and the wheelchair, the bandages covered the boy's arms and the brunette guessed his chest as well due to what was revealed by the smaller's V-neck shirt.

"Do you mind if I ask how you got hurt Aich- Aisen?"

The brunette stuttered on his name and hoped that the boy wouldn't notice.

"Hmmm...... I was told that I fell"

"Like how you did into the pond?"

The brunette joked, it felt strange to him that he felt comfortable with the younger, even though they had just met, he guessed that it was because of how similar the younger boy was to Aichi in appearance.

"It wasn't my fault..... I have bad eyes and I didn't think I was that close to the edge...."

The smaller whined, puffing up his cheeks, sapphires shining in defiance, causing the brunette to feel slightly upset due to missing his Aichi.

"So I've told you my name, what's yours?"

Aisen asked with a kind smile.

"Ah Kai, Kai Toshiki"

"Kai Toshiki huh...... Can I call you Kaito?"


"...... Aww meanie!"

The brunette smiled, he could tell that this boy wasn't Aichi playing a trick on him, they were similar yes, but Aichi was too shy to act like Aisen.

"Anyway Aisen, what are you doing here all alone this late?"

Sapphires narrowed towards the ground.

"No reason, I just wanted to leave where I'm staying for a bit"

"Your house?"

"No my friend's house...."

The brunette raised a brow and smirked slightly in amusement.

"Are you always so chatty with strangers?"

"..... No...."

Sapphires glared at the brunette as a small blush crept upon the younger's face.

Broken Love Book 3 - Cardfight VanguardWhere stories live. Discover now