Chapter 9: Untitled

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Chapter 9 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard!


Jades flickered open to gaze into seep sapphires, jades widened in shock and a light laugh emitted from the blue haired boy who was above him.

"A-Aichi?.... How...."

A light blush crept over the blue haired boy's face as the brunette sat up in his bed.

"Miwa let me in"

Aichi replied softly, sapphires glimmering ever so brightly within the moonlight that filtered through the bedroom window.

"That's not what I meant.... I thought you were dead Aichi....."

A look of sadness from the younger boy as his sapphires flittered to the ground sent a sharp pang into Kai's chest.

"Yeah..... I'm sorry for making you worry so much..... I was lost and didn't know how to come back....."

Warm tears began to form withing sapphires before they rolled down his soft cheeks and fell onto the young boy's lap.


"I'm so sorry...... I caused you so much worry and pain.... So sorry...."

The blue haired boy began to hiccup slightly as he cried, immediately the brunette sat up and gave the smaller boy a warm and loving embrace, not baring to see the younger cry anymore.

"Shhhhh...... Aichi it's fine.... I love you..... So, seeing you here with me right now.... is perfect, my love"

Kai blushed slightly at the embarrassing things that he had just said to the younger, even though he meant every word.

"Thank you Kai, I also love you, more than anything....."

Aichi sniffed before wiping his tears away and revealing his overly beautiful and adorable smile.

"Aichi...... I woke up in the hospital recently, do it wasn't that much pain"

The brunette lied, not wanting to fill the smaller boy with even more guilt.

The younger shook his head and gazed up at the brunette, glistening sapphires radiating before he closed his eyes and smiled sweetly.

"Heh, don't lie Kai, a kind and caring person like you is bound to be hurt when he loses someone"

The smaller boy whispered softly as he leaned his forehead against the older's forgead, so that both jades and sapphires could gaze into the other perfectly.

"It was worth a try...."

The older teen sighed, feeling elated that his love had returned to him, still the same person as before.

"Ah you're hurt...."

Aichi murmured as his gaze flickered towards the brunette's shoulder which was bruised darkly due to the hospital bed he had laid in beforehand.

"It's fine Aichi, anyway are you okay?... You protected me in the plane right?"

Sapphires quickly looked towards the ground, the emotions swirling within them unreadable.


"Aichi?..... Why have you gone silent all of a sudden?"

The smaller boy's head shot up, a kind smile resting upon his face.

"Ah I was thinking about how I managed to heal so quickly"

"Heal..... So you were hurt because of me......."

Aichi quickly shook his head before leaning on the older teen.

"No, it was my doing and my choice, I wanted to do what I did so it's not your fault Kai...."

The brunette frowned slightly at the younger's kind words, thinking that he shouldn't deserve such words.

"I'm the one who said that I'd protect you Aichi..... Yet you're the one who ended up protecting me"

The brunette murmured, feeling terrible about his broken promise.

"........ Please stop worrying Kai, everything is fine now because...... we're together again....."

A dark blush covered the younger's face as he looked away from the older of the two.

The brunette suppressed a chuckle at how adorable the younger boy was acting, so innocent and shy.

"So true..... When you're with me... I feel so.... at peace and that everything will be fine Aichi"

Kai replied softly as he gently lifted the smaller boy's chin with his left hand.


"Shhhh.... Everything is fine now Aichi...."

The brunette whispered as he carefully placed a sweet yet short kiss upon the smaller boy's lips, causing the both of them to blush.

The brunette went to move away, but the younger stopped him and retaliated with a kiss of his own, this one lasting significantly longer than their first one.

"Kai...... I love you so much....."

The blue haired boy whispered before launching his arms around the older to capture him within a warm embrace.

"You're the one for me"

The softness of the younger's voice made the older's ears tingle as he was knocked down onto the bed by the momentum.

"I feel the same way Ai-"


The brunette jumped up in surprise, blinking jades opened up to reveal that it was the morning, for sunlight filtered through the window instead of moonlight.


His heart clenched as his gaze quickly searched his own room, desperately trying to see any trace of the blue haired boy.

"So it..... Was a dream....."

The brunette's voice cracked slightly, for he had true lot believed that the younger had returned to him. The smaller boy's touch and warmth still lingered within his mind, it had seemed too real to him to be an dream. Yet faced with the reality that there was no trace of the young boy within his room, he had no choice but to accept that it had only been a dream.

"I actually thought....."

The brunette trailed off, unable to say anything more, for he was doing his best to try to remember the warmth of Aichi's body within his arms.

The brunette looked at the clock to see that it was now 11:am, he sighed for he didn't feel like eating, even though he most likely couldn't afford to skip a meal based on how thin he was.

"It was too good to be true..... he wasn't hurt or in any pain, yet evidence suggested that he was severally injured by protecting me..... He would have at least be still recovering if I only just woke up recently....."

The brunette rolled over in his bed so that he was not laying on his stomach looking at the flow, feeling like a complete fool for letting his hopes get up so much.

Me: that's le end of le chappy~

Kai: jerk.....

Me: ouch...

Kai: getting everyone's hopes up.....

Me: hehe sorry~

Kai: *sigh* Aichi....

Me: anyway hope he people enjoyed le chappy~

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