Chapter 3: talking

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Chapter 3 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard~

"Tell me the truth...."

The brunette sighed, not liking that the others thought that they could easily lie to him as if it were nothing.

"....... It nothing much, just that wounds caused by losing Aichi are healing slowly...."

Miwa replied with a small smile, not quenching the brunette's suspicions in the slightest but instead causing them to grow.

"I see......."

Jades dulled slightly at his friend's words, the blond noticed the sudden change in Kai and patted everyone present on the back childishly.

"Everything is fine! things could have been worse!"

Many questioning eyes set themselves upon Miwa, who was for once, uneasy about being the centre of attention.

"What do you mean Miwa?"

The lavender haired girl asked, her blue orbs flickering with curiosity.

"Well Aichi could be alive but suffering in pain"

"...... True.... But still....."

Grey orbs softened sympathetically at the other's around him, the blond guessed that everyone besides himself was pondering about his words.

"Anyway doc, when is Kai here allowed to leave the hospital?"

Miwa asked, wanting to change the thought direction of the others.

"..... Well his body is basically better, but he's weak from being unconscious for so long, which could also cause pain if he moved too much"

Shinko replied, he had leaned against the wall and had been silently listening to the conversation, knowing that it was good for the young to talk together.

"So I'm able to leave whenever I want?"

The blond doctor nodded at the brunette's question.

"Hypothetically yes, but you're going to rest here for a few more days."

Jades narrowed slightly for Kai wasn't too fond of hospitals, they're where the sick and weak people stayed and he didn't like thinking of himself as either of the two.

"....... I'm not fond of the idea.... But Kai could lay down in his own home...."

The blond quickly said, he had noticed that his friend's annoyance level was slowly increasing at the thought of being stuck in the hospital.

"....... Someone would need to keep an eye on him to make sure he stayed in bed though...."

The doctor sighed, he knew from what he had observed in the past, was that the brunette could be extremely stubborn at times and hated being looked down upon.

"I'll keep an eye on him!"

Miwa chirped, quickly raising his hand up in the air, the brunette sighed inwardly at the thought of the loud blond constantly being around him.

"I guess that would be fine then....."

Shinko murmured, feeling that having the brunette argue about leaving would waste more of Kai's energy.

"I guess since things are fine and I've confirmed that Kai's not dead that I'll take my leave now"

Misaki said before bowing to the doctor and leaving.

"I also want to leave now"

"You're the patient though....."

Miwa sighed at his friend's words, though it was typical that he would say something of the sort.

Broken Love Book 3 - Cardfight VanguardWhere stories live. Discover now