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Ced is looking down at Gab from the window of her room,holding a bathrobe that she prepared for her.She just finished taking a bath.When they arrived,they stayed at the dining area for a couple of minutes trying to shrugged the tension,Gab asked her if she could use the pool which she of course agreed.She wanted to join her but her inner self told her to give Gab some time,maybe to sober herself up and cool down.

Ced then went downstairs to make a tea,
bringing the two cups placing it near the pool area.She handed Gab the robe.She received a smile.

“Thank you.” Gab said accepting the tea.

They sit next to each other.The sky is beautiful tonight,Venus and Moon conjunction can be seen.The cold breeze hits them making Gab shivers.

“It's late,you can stay the night here,but if you wanna go home,I'll drive you.”

Ced was just trying her luck.She doesn't know if she will hear a response.

“I don't wanna make you drive this late,but I will understand if you don't want me to sleep with you.”

Gab's statement makes Ced look at her.That just sounds horrible to her,like she doesn't know how Gab came up with that thought because she wants to spend time with her — always if she just could.

“What made you think of that?You're always welcome here.” She softly spoken.

For some reason,she wants to be soft towards her,it feels like if she raises her voice a little louder,then Gab will erupt like a volcano.


So,Gab is still acting cold towards her.

“Did I do something wrong?”

Again,her voice was soft,she just needs to know why Gab is acting like that because it's been bugging her for the last 2 hours.

“I'm…maybe I'm just tired.”

That's not totally a lie but she's not telling the truth neither.

“Matt told me you had a busy day.I'm glad he was there to help you.”

“Yeah,I owe him one today.”

“Are you guys…dating?”

She took a sip of the tea after the question slipped off her tongue.She honestly just wants to know.

Gab chuckles.She looks at her,quite surprise with her reaction.

“That's insane.He's not even courting me,I wouldn't have come if you won't be there cause I know he's a party goer and I won't have somebody to talk to when he gets drunk.”

For the first time since earlier,that was the longest statement Gab has spoken and her aura seems brighter now.

“I'm really sorry for coming late.”

“No,it's okay.I hope I didn't scare you awhile ago.”

She chuckled.“Just a little.”

Yeah,so little that her knees were shaking and she looked like a slave who's waiting for its master's command.

“You didn't do anything wrong.I was just…maybe it's because of the…drink.”

They stare deeply into each other's eyes.Gab touches her hand reassuring her that she shouldn't make herself accountable for what happened.She doesn't want Ced to feel bad about it cause it's not her fault.It's not her fault that she didn't like the sight of her with another woman,especially in that sitting position and faces that close.She got jealous even though she has no reasons to,she doesn't even know why she's jealous.Maybe she should blame the martini instead because her sober self won't feel that way.

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