Chapter 22: The Beginning of the End

Start from the beginning

However every good thing has an end...and it was time they stepped back into reality. A dark world where only despair and hatred will prevalent.

A small smile came behind his mask as someone gently grasped his right hand while another person stepped on his left side.

"Let's go" said Mikasa warmly, and Armin gave him an encouraging nod.

"As long as I have these two with me...I can endure anything, no matter what happens" thought Naruto proudly, as he grasped Mikasa's hand gently.

He looked at Armin and was happy to see that his friend looked a lot more confident today, he had to be as after their first battle at Shanxi none of them were Rookies...or maybe it had to do something with his developing relationship with Rangiku.

"I hear you had quite a lot of fun...with a certain blonde," teased Naruto playfully, as a light blush came on his friend's cheeks.

Armin saw Mikasa and Naruto's amused faces...and quickly put on his Weasel Anbu mask on as he chuckled nervously.

"'s nothing like that. We are just're getting the wrong idea," said Armin quickly, as he tried his best to cover the truth.

However he was quite surprised when Mikasa came forward and hugged him tightly...since when did she start displaying so much emotions?

"I'm really happy for you, Armin"

A small smile came on Armin's face as he saw how important he was to Mikasa...even after her getting more close to Naruto, she was still there for him and it warmed his heart.

"My,'re so sneaky, Mikasa. Are you trying to steal my innocent boyfriend?" asked a new playful voice,

The trio looked behind and saw Rangiku, Shizune as well as Izumo and Kotetsu. All of them were in their uniforms and were ready for the mission.

Rangiku came forward and put her finger straight at Armin's chest and looked him clearly in the eyes, everyone chuckled a little as they saw the poor boy getting nervous of this awkward situation.

"Armin-kun...were trying to know your beloved Mikasa-chan?" asked Rangiku dangerously, however she had to use all her strength in order to prevent herself from laughing as right now Armin was waving his hands at her in a comic way.

"'re getting the wrong idea!" said Armin pleadingly, however his so called "friend" just huffed and faced ahead.

"I don't care..." said Rangiku stoically, and quickly started walking away to prevent Armin from seeing the amused smile that came on her face.

"Rangiku!" said Armin loudly, and ran after her.

The rest of the group watched in amusement as Armin caught up with Rangiku and tried his best to give an explanation, however everything was settled when she slightly tilted his Anbu mask and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.

"It seems he has finally found the light of his life..." said Naruto happily, his heart warmed on seeing Armin so happy and quite frankly his friend deserved this.

After being alone and bullied all his life, Armin had finally found someone with whom he could share everything and the person who understood him more than anyone in the world.

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