Chapter 42: A Week of Summer Hell Awaits

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CW: The second half of this chapter has some heavy LGBTQ+ themes so if you're not comfortable reading that, this chapter isn't all that important to the plot of the story, just a quick breather chapter before the next couple chapters. We all know this arc well lol

Aside from that, enjoy the chapter!! <3


When Bakugo eventually returned to the boy's room, he was a little surprised to find his male classmates all asleep and snoozing; having a hard time making his way through without any guidance of light. But to be fair, they did have a very long day of fighting through a forest and were extremely exhausted from that experience since it practically took them all day to get through. So just like his fellow friends and acquaintances, their class rep followed in their footsteps and crashed into the last available futon in between Kaminari and Koda, tossing and turning throughout the night as his worries for Deku grew with each sweat bead that formed.

While one class was snuggled in bed comfortably, the other that hadn't gone through treacherous territory stayed up a bit longer. The boys' of Class 1-B went to check on the other class, finding all fourteen male students inside fast asleep and not wanting to disturb them, went back to their own room and soon, the faculty building fell to slumber, awaiting the next day of their first day in the summer training camp week.

Morning was hard on a few students as they had a difficult time sleeping somewhere new while others were unaffected. Even so, the ones that had summer school in Class 1-A were glad that it wasn't held that night as they were woken up at around five in the morning by their teacher, the sun just rising at the horizon.

"Good morning, glad to see all of you awake and ready to start the day." Aizawa nodded to his students even though what he said was beyond what he was seeing, a couple with their eyes still closed and drifting off. Despite this though, the male teacher continued on, "Today's your first day at this training camp so listen up. The goal of this camp is to strengthen not only yourselves, but your quirks as well. You've had them most of your life so I'm sure at this camp while you train, you might discover something new that you can use to help you obtain your provisional hero license when we get back to school."

"'Provisional hero license'?" Asui questioned.

"Basically like a driver's license. Shows that you can use your quirk in public." Kaminari shared his knowledge with the froggy female while prodding his spiky classmate awake as he started to doze off, Bakugo snoring shushly before yawning again.



A ball was suddenly tossed in his direction, surprising his classmates and faintly his teacher as the student caught it with ease in spite of his display of drowsiness earlier.

"-come up here and throw it. Let's see how much you've improved since your last throw." Aizawa finished, stepping to the side so he could take his place and do what he instructed.

"Oh, this is going to be like the first day of school again, right?"

"Bakugo can totally throw that thing over a kilometer now...!"

As his classmate hyped the blond up while he rolled his shoulder, Hitoshi gritted his teeth, gulping as he thought to himself about how Bakugo's quirk evolved since gaining One for All. If what he thought would be true, then he had to talk to Aizawa about it seeing as he knew his teacher was trying to prove a point to something.

"Eraser Sensei, I don't thin-"

Before the boy could get a word to his mentor, Bakugo reeled his arm back and blasted the ball into the air with such force that some of his classmates slid on the ground or were close to falling over, including the male himself with his feet slipping faintly. Aizawa once more stood with surprise at the throw his student had just given, watching the ball soar in the air until it disappeared on the horizon and a few moments later hearing a small chime from his phone. As the teacher checked it and the students watched his dark eyes grow wide with emotion, Shinso mentally cringed.

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