chapter 1: The End of the Old and Start of a new

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Also a few OCs that will only be mentioned later in chapters and I give those two other friends of Katsuki's names


Today was no different than the other days at the schoolyard: The childhood friends he used to have; Kacchan; a blond with intimidating power, Mageru, Tsubasa and Kuro would push him to the wall during their twenty-minute recess time before running off somewhere else, letting everyone nearby have the final laugh until a teacher would stop beside him.

Unless his pale skin showed any signs of a bruise or a burn the teachers would also just turn a blind eye, not enough making sure he was all right. Even if he had a small scratch, if it wasn't bleeding, it didn't matter.

That's how Kacchan got away without getting in trouble. It was until they stepped off of school grounds that the most damage would be dealt.

But It wasn't Kacchan's fault. It wasn't their teacher's fault. It wasn't his mother's fault. It wasn't anyone's fault but his own.

He wasn't like everyone else, and when you're not like everyone else, they make sure to let you know that you're not like everyone else.

In a world full of people with a special trait, a superpower, he didn't possess one. In a world full of people born with superpowers called quirks, he was what people called 'quirkless'. And among the strong, they prey on the weak, and the weak was him, Midoriya 'Deku' Izuku. That's how he learned that all men were not created equal.

Even so, despite his quirkless position, Izuku always dreamed of becoming a hero. A hero who would always save people with a smile, like All Might; the number one hero of this country and his number one idol. A hero who would save everyone and protect everyone from villains and criminals. It was his long time dream; saving people had always looked so cool to him, especially when he watched All Might.

Maybe that was another reason why he was picked on. Everyone trying to crush his dreams saying that he couldn't do it without a quirk. The teachers would try and gently break it down to him that he couldn't while Kacchan and everyone else would laugh at him about it, harshly.

But, they couldn't stop him. They couldn't stop Izuku because even in the midst of all the teasing and picking, he had his mother's support. Always.


With the clock on the wall striking three, his teacher waved them off as the students in the classroom filed out, Izuku walking in the middle of the crowd until some started to split off into their different ways home.

With his tiny pale hands holding onto the blue strips of his All Might backpack, Izuku skipped lightly through the halls, trying to head for the front so that he could quickly get to see Mom and tell her about his exciting day.

"Deku! Where're you running off to so quickly?"

Uh oh.

Cautiously, Izuku stopped and turned his head vaguely to glance back and find the confident blond known as Bakugo Katsuki strutting through the crowd of his classmates, pushing a few who wouldn't move out of his way, smirking while making his way over to him as Mageru, Tsubasa and Kuro gathered behind him.

'M-Move... Move, Izuku...! Kacchan won't like you in his way...!' Izuku widened his big green eyes before shifting to move against the wall, Kacchan's bright crimson eyes following his movement as he changed his direction, walking straight toward him. Izuku gulped, preparing himself, 'There's no teachers around...'

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