Chapter 8: He Has Friends

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Why was he doing this...? Why did he keep coming back to the same person who already moved on?

It was a surprise, honestly, watching Kacchan walk up to the U.A. school building. Izuku had to remove the sunglasses shielded over his eyes, placing them against the white mask he wore to make sure he had the same blond haired kid that was more over skin and bone back in junior high. And it was. By a confirmation of his Analysis quirk. And it was an even greater surprise to see that same blond teen walk out of the building with not two, not three, but four other people by his side. He was even letting the spiky red-haired kid get all touchy with him, wrapping his arm around Kacchan's neck like they were best friends.

Was he acting jealous...? He didn't know...

What he did know was that he was spotted by the wavy purple-haired kid that walked with Kacchan, his white pupiled eyes burning into him, those narrowed brows trying to get a read that he knew he wouldn't receive. Izuku didn't use his Analysis quirk on either of them, though. He didn't really want to know their names or quirks just yet until he knew they were heroes in training.

'Kacchan's most likely in the hero course since why else would he attend U.A., but are those some of his classmates...?' Izuku wondered to himself as he walked through the alleyways of his old home, the hood over his hat off and his mask slipped under his chin.

As Izuku walked, he ran his bandaged hand against the dark toned brick wall, light peeking up at the top of the walls.

It had been so long since he had last visited.

The end of the narrow alleyway came up, Izuku leaning against the right side of the brick wall and gazing his jaded green eyes toward an apartment complex that was built ahead. His old home. He could still close his eyes and imagine himself when he was younger, running around the living room with his All Might action figure in his hand while... while his mother watched him, joy sparkling in her beautiful emerald eyes.

Pain brought him out of the memory, Izuku clenching his heart where it hurt. The memory felt so real that he almost used Glitch to teleport himself into his old home, but he knew he couldn't do that. A new family has probably already settled in and established that apartment as home. No matter how much his heart hurt, his heartstrings wanting to hold more of the memory, he couldn't go back. He could never go back.

Sparing one last dull glance at the three towering buildings, Izuku wiggled his hand back into his pocket, using Telekinesis to pull the mask back over and his hood back over his hat as he began walking back into the alleyway where he entered before transporting himself back into his room, his feet dropping onto the dark wooden floor.

"Okay..." Izuku breathed out, flipping the hood over the hat off before taking the hat and sliding it in the open part of his desk, stripping the mask off his chin, opening the top drawer of his desk, letting the mask fall into the void of bandages he hadn't used yet, which was rare.

He slipped his arms through the hoodie sleeves out, bringing his hands down to slid the hoodie up and over his face, ruffling his already unmanageable green locks, throwing it to the side on his bed before walking a short distance to his drawer, grabbing his notebook and flipping through the pages until finding the middle, where he had placed Kacchan's notes.

The last time he saw Kacchan was a few months ago, watching him as he stood in an alleyway, writing information about a recent villain attack that morning, glancing over and widening his eyes slightly as he saw his old friend... his old classmate. Izuku didn't take any notice of a change in the red eyed teen then, but he sure saw it now. His stats for his quirk exceeded in those months and his power levels were what surprised him the most.

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