Chapter 10: Don't Hate Me

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Bright lights caused Izuku's eyes to flinch up, beginning to squint them open at the blinding white around him. Pain burned through his skull, but he was too tired to reach his hand up to rub his forehead, instead choosing to glance to his right arm.

"Don't worry, everything's intact."

"Doctor... kun..." Izuku mustered out, unsure where he was since he couldn't use his quirk to see him, his feet off the ground.

"By the way, Master came by to see you..." Doctor chimed hummingly.

That woke up Izuku's static brain as he widened his eyes, sitting up before immediately regretting it, holding his head in his hands from the ringing pain.

"Don't try to move too much. Just because the operation is done doesn't mean your pain is." Doctor giggled gleefully while Izuku threw his legs off the table, still supporting his head in the palm of his pale hand.

"What... What did Sensei... want...?" Izuku knew the answer, and he feared it.

But he still had a little hope that maybe, he came for a different reason... Please...

"I'm sure you already know... Izuku-kun..."

He did. He knew, he knew, he knew, but... Just a little part of him wished that he didn't.

"What quirk did Sensei give me this time...?" Izuku forced his voice to stay steady as he spoke, scared for his answer.

"Surprisingly enough, Master did not tell me. When I asked about your new quirk, he simply told me that he wanted you to figure it out on your own since you're such a smart boy." Doctor answered, Izuku blinking in slight shock at what Sensei told him while hopping off of the table, his bare feet hitting the cool floor just as Doctor turned in his seat before him to face the teen, smirking hummingly, "I'm sure you'll figure it out in no time."

"I'll be leaving, then." Izuku bowed to Doctor before turning to exit the white cremated room.

"Do you feel all right?" Doctor called back.

"Yes." Izuku replied as he walked out through the door frame, moving through the dark hallway before picturing his room and glitching there.

He was not going to walk past that room with Tsubasa's dead corpse inside.

Dropping onto the wooden floors of his bedroom, Izuku grabbed the hoodie from off his bed, pulling it over his head before picturing U.A. in his head until he dropped onto the soft green grassy forest outside of the school.

'Damn, I forgot about changing...!' Izuku cursed to himself, but he desperately wanted to see Kacchan today after seeing Tsubasa.

He had to make sure that the blond was all right, past images running through his head about the ruby eyed. He planned to look for Mageru and Kuro, too, making sure that they were all right, also hoping to view Aunt Mitsuki and Uncle Masaru through the windows of Kacchan's home.

"I didn't mean for you to see me like that. I never wanted to be seen like that again."

'Kacchan...?' Izuku blinked, surprised at the soft tone he was using and when peeking over the bushes, his green eyes focused on the blond that stopped at the end of the road, walking behind the bushes closer to get a read on the other four friends expressions, wondering if they'd hint at anything.

"Bakugo, if you want to talk-" the redhead spoke out as he stepped closer toward Kacchan.

"No. I never want to talk about it." Kacchan denied, walking forward again while the other four turned to each other in dismay before following behind, but giving the red eyed teen space.

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