Chapter 2: Welcome To The New

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A crisp wind wove its way around Izuku, him smelling the scent of spring as it carried cherry blossoms. He was sitting cross-legged on the top of a building roof, his notebook flipped open to the page of today's earlier villain vs. hero fight that he had also overlooked while sitting on the top of a building; the Giant quirked villain getting arrested by the two heroes fighting, Kamui Woods; who wasn't a new nor old pro, but the second hero was new, her debut as Mt. Lady.

Izuku closed the notebook, finishing his last note of the fight before standing up, slinging the old yellow backpack that he had for seven years over his back, slipping the notebook into the bag. His light jaded eyes gazed over to the end of the roof where the bright blue sky opened up. Taking a step and two before cartwheeling his way toward the edge, landing on top of the raised edge of the building swiftly, his legs swaying back and forth as he glanced down, a small smirk forming onto his pressed lips.

A blond wearing a black junior high uniform was walking through the lone streets, clutching the gray handbag that was slung across his shoulder.

"Ah, Kacchan..." Izuku sighed to himself, his jaded eyes scaling up to the sky blue color, bringing his bandaged hand up to scratch at the long wide scar across his right eye. Brushing his hand down the dark eye bags that hung under his eyes and passing his freckled cheeks, he itched around his carved neck of scars, chuckling to himself dryly, "Man, Tomura-kun's rubbing on me..."

Glancing back down to the streets, Kacchan had disappeared, so Izuku decided he should head back to the bar. He adjusted his backpack against his back, moving the gray hood on his back over his green hair with his left hand while he pulled out his phone from his baggy dark silver pants.

"Damn, it's barely been a few minutes and that fight's already all over the news... Maybe I could get more information from the reports that Analysis didn't." Izuku hummed to himself before shoving his phone back into his pant pocket, an image of the bar where a misted purple man stood behind the counter washing glasses, a pale adult with flowing light blue hair sitting on one of the bar stools appearing in his mind until he vanished.

{ Midoriya Izuku's Quirks:

Analysis - Glancing at a person, he can see their statistics: power, speed, Quirk. If a person improves one of their statistics, he can see it if he gets a second glance at them.

Presence Sense - Izuku has a sixth sense that can pinpoint where a person is if they're close enough, also being able to identify that person if he's used Anaylsis on them before.

Glitch - With an imagery in his head, he can glitch himself to that place but traveling with this Quirk too much causes him to start glitching out himself.

Fire Manipulation - Fire at hand, he can control and harass it, making it his own attack.

Healing - Via injury, he can easily heal any wound unless it's a broken bone; he needs the bone intact for his quirk to work, and also requires stamina to heal.

Telekinesis - He can move any object with his mind, no matter the weight.

Cloud - He can generate clouds from his hands and ride them, along with being able to store something inside it depending on the weight.

(His eye color turned to a light jade color after unconsciously using one of his Quirks) }

Izuku's red shoed feet dropped onto the wooden broads of the bar floor, making a thud sound, which caught the attention of Kurogiri and Shigaraki Tomura as they turned to him, the hand that pale adult would usually wear over his itched up face off, seeing them both right where he imagined they be.

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