Chapter 17: You Don't Have To Fight On Your Own Anymore

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Izuku wished he could have at least reassured Kacchan that he'd be fine before Kurogiri had warped them out of the USJ. Hearing his cry of pain probably horrified the already worried ash blond, especially since he couldn't see him. But... What if he could see him tonight...? Once he got back home? He would have to evade Sensei, Aunt Mitsuki and Uncle Masaru if he wanted to see Kacchan.

Though, first...

'God this actually kind of stings...' Izuku blinked as he started feeling wooden floorboards underneath his bleeding out body, Kurogiri's warp slowly laying him gently onto the floor as Shigaraki appeared to the side, his hand still bleeding out as well.

"Izuku, Izuku! Dammit, oi, kid, you still alive?!" Shigaraki exclaimed with concern on his raspy tongue.

"Still alive, Tomura-kun..." Izuku sighed out, closing his eyes as his vision grew blurry.

He hated that feeling.

"Kurogiri, get the bandages from Izuku's room! He's got like five hundred of those wraps!" Shigaraki's demand echoed in his head.

"One moment, Tomura."


"What do you mean wait?! Sensei?! I thought you said the Symbol of Peace was weak, too! You were wrong! He defeated that Nomu like it was his own personal punching bag! We would have killed him if those damn reinforcements didn't show up at the last minute and Izuku wouldn't be laying on the floor about to die from blood loss!" Shigaraki shouted out at the monitor screen that sat on a square shelf.

"Damn, Tomura-kun's not speaking his video game language. That's when you know he's concerned." Izuku huffed out some weak humor to somewhat calm the panicking adult before requesting, "Sensei, you can get rid of the disguise quirk on me."

It obviously didn't work if Kacchan recognized him.

"Not the time, dickhead! You almost got killed by saving my ass! What you think you are, a hero or something?!" Shigaraki yelled down to him in a worried, yet angry tone before hearing his demanding voice as he ordered once again, "Oi, Kurogiri, get the damn bandages!"

"Actually, Kurogiri, did you retrieve Nomu?"

Doctor's voice came through next.

"He was blown out of the building..." Kurogiri answered back honestly.

"What?! After all that time we spent making him as strong as the number one hero?! Why couldn't you have Izuku-kun retrieve it with his quirk?!"

Izuku sighed at his last exclamation.

"Izuku's hurt, Doctor! He can't do shit if he's injured! Besides, the stupid heroes probably have him by now! Dammit!" Shigaraki cursed out.

"Tomura-kun, you know I can heal myself, right? If anything, I should be concerned for you and your bullet wound." Izuku wanted to hush the frantic young adult, his voice ringing in his head, opening his eyes to rest on the hand wearer and lift his head up to see better.

"Izuku, since this was a learning experience for you and Tomura-kun, I request that your injuries heal naturally. No quirks."

"Same with the bullets dug into my skin?" Izuku blinked up as he looked his jaded green eyes back at the monitor, hearing the soft hum of an answer.

"Sensei, are you out of your mind?!" Shigaraki gasped.

"Tomura, do not worry, my protege. Izuku-kun can withstand those wounds and I was not wrong about All Might being weak. We were just not fully prepared for what would happen. Even I can not predict the future."

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