Chapter 35: Everyones Improvement

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The next morning, the nurses and doctors came back into Bakugo and Iida's room to examine them; along with a talking to them from the chief of police once Todoroki entered to recheck on them. The two boys were given a lecture about being so close to dangerous criminals, Endeavor's only comment being about how the red and white-haired student was more responsible; earning a glare from his son.

Lucky, neither of them suffered major injuries or consequences; only a brief scolding and a kick to the head from Gran Torino to his intern. Iida revealed his true intentions and promised to be a better person and think more clearly, his own mentor seemingly frustrated that he couldn't prevent this from happening. And when the scans came back through and the doctor's approval that the pair could head back to their respective cities; their blue-haired classmate bowing to both Bakugo and Todoroki for their aid, both denying it and saying it was pure coincidence.

The rest of the week went by quicker than before; mostly because Bakugo was getting his ass handed to him as punishment from the old hero, Todoroki mostly enhancing his fire quirk and going on patrols, Iida mostly looking back on his actions and tuning out the hero killer reports that were on basically every channel.

Everyone would be improving. Even after they had to leave.


The seven day week of their internship came through and went by quicker than any hero course student expected; all coming back on Monday with new experiences and moves, improved skills, or a different goal than the one before.

Iida was the first to enter into the 1-A classroom, sliding open the door to find to his surprise a dozing Shinso over on his desk. He didn't have the heart to wake him, simply walking along the wall to his seat before unpacking and preparing for the day's lesson. More students slipped in, paying no mind to the purple-haired boy's sleeping form or questioning about it before going back to whatever they were doing previously. It wasn't until the one-minute late bell rang that a sleep-walking student walked in, looking about to collapse on the spot as a white glazed look took over his eyes. Bakugo moved with a slump in his shoulders to his desk, his bag falling off his arm and dropping in his seat before his neck allowed his head to lean, the back of his head laying almost perfectly on top of his friend's.

What a wonderful sight to see.

"Oh my god, that's just perfect...!" Ashido kept her voice low with a muffled laugh, the black streaked blond moving to lean past Jiro's desk and sneakily take photos.

"I need to get a photo of this...!" Kaminari grinned mercilessly, the purple-haired female sighing in annoyance as she leaned in her chair while Sero behind her chuckled along.

"Kaminari-kun...! Leave those two alone...! They must have worked exceptionally hard at their internships to be this tired...! Let them be...!" Iida muted his shouting by speaking with gritted teeth, still waving around his robotic hands in attention.

"Iida-kun, this isn't like you..." Uraraka giggled behind the male with her hand to her lips, Iida suddenly growing stiff at the comment before sitting back down into his seat, the brunette noticing when she opened her eyes.

It wasn't until the door shot open did the slight chaos come to a pause, the action and the loud bang that echoed throughout the classroom waking up one of the sleeping students; bumping heads with the other.

"I'm awake...!" Shinso exclaimed out, looking fully alert while the blond that was laying his head on top of him rubbed his neck.

"Jesus, what did she do to you...?" Aizawa gruffed to himself under his scarf before closing the door, moving to stand by the wooden podium while Ojiro took a quick glance past Shoji to the empty desk in front of Bakugo.
"Sensei, Hagakure-san's still not here." Ojiro raised his hand up as he spoke, the others in class turning their heads to where the invisible girl usually sat.

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