Chapter 18: More Than They Let On

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Emi sat in the hospital room with Shinso a couple days after the attack on USJ, Yamada and Kayama outside the doors in the lobby of the white building, asking for updates on their coworkers' injuries, her watching over the little student as he sat closer to the unconscious form of Aizawa wrapped in white bandages, his arms in white slings to hold them.

She always hated hospitals because of the sorrow atmosphere that hung in the air whenever you entered, people fighting for their lives in the separate walls or laying on their deathbed as others weeped. It was never her style and even Aizawa's energy wasn't this draining. But she had to be here. Shinso had watched as that villain almost killed his teacher, she couldn't let him go through this alone.

As much as she wanted to run out, Emi stayed, rubbing a comforting hand on the lavender student's back while he cried silently, his hand gripped on the bed side. It wasn't until the door to the small square room opened, Yamada with his head down and a dark expression glistening in his teal green eyes, his shaded sunglasses collapsed and one of the hinges tucked under his black and white plaid shirt, the sleeves folded back to the elbows as he slumped into a seat on the other side of the bed, Kayama walking to stand beside the tired adult.

"How's Aizawa-kun... doing...?" Kayama spoke into the quiet room, breaking the uneasy silence between the three pros and student.

"Unconscious still... What did the nurse's say? Did they have anything else to say about his condition?" Emi questioned, moving her hand up to rub Shinso's shoulder as she felt him shudder under her touch.

"Still the same damn report as last time... At least he won't suffer any brain damage as they said, but..." Yamada grumbled into the hand over half his face, his long, creamy blond hair hanging down over his eyes, Kayama squeezing her hand over his shoulder as he cursed, "Dammit, we should have been there sooner...!"

"All Might should have been there from the beginning...!" Shinso gritted his teeth as he tightened his grip around the frame, Emi glanced at him in sympathy and agreement until she heard him sigh, watching with worried dark emerald eyes at his grip, "At least he came when he did..."

Emi entirely agreed with what Shinso said. She was glad that the Symbol of Peace showed up when he did because further injuries could have happened, even involving the students to carry severe injuries like Aizawa now. But why was the pro hero not with the class when he was supposed to be? If he couldn't make it to the class on time, why be a teacher? He was the Symbol of Peace, the number one hero, why was he teaching if he couldn't follow through with his teachings? She had seen the criminal reports that morning with All Might jumping around the city stopping petty crimes. It was a relief to the citizens, but if it affected his teaching career he suddenly took up...

Turning her gaze off Shinso to look to Yamada and Kayama, Emi gazed at them with a questioning look with her green eyes, but it looked like they weren't worried about that at the moment.

"Mic Sensei..."

Shinso's voice caught her attention again, looking back to the hurting boy.

"What's up... little listener...?" Yamada sighed out.

"What was Shirakumo's quirk again...? Cloud, you said...?" Shinso glanced over toward Yamada with narrowed purple eyes.

''Shirakumo'...? Why does that name sound familiar...?' Emi blinked at Shinso with her lips parted faintly in question before following his gaze onto Yamada and Kayama, both U.A. hero teachers widening their eyes in surprise at the wavy lavender.

"Y... Yes, but why do you ask...?" Kayama tilted her head slightly, Emi glancing back over to Shinso to see his expression grim and rage lighting his eyes.

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