Chapter 7: How Was Shinso-Kun's Exam And First Day

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Honestly, he still couldn't believe that he passed the exam for the hero course. Shinso Hitoshi could not believe it. It felt unreal...

But, at the end of the exam day, when he had arrived home, Hitoshi sludged his way up the stairs to his room, ignoring his family's calls and cheers of wanting to know how he did. He already knew how he did, and he did awful. And even though Eraser Head had told him over and over before the days of the exam that he wasn't going to apply for the general studies course just because he thought he might fail, he had...

Hitoshi thought that even with that year and a half of training from Eraser after he found him in a dark alleyway that his classmates left him in, shoving him to the side of the brick wall and calling him a 'villain', that he wouldn't be able to pass just because he didn't have a physical quirk. He knew that there were other heroes without physical quirks that were popular heroes, but with his quirk, it just seemed impossible. But, he still wanted to at least try. To prove everyone wrong and that he could be a hero, even if it meant he'd be underground.

But, when it came time, Hitoshi had jeopardized getting more points to pass by saving that brunette girl under that rubble from that huge zero-pointer robot that should've come with a warning of 'Not Actual Size' like on those large sign displays in stores. And, with his metallic capture weapon in hand and Eraser's training on his belt, he swung out from the alleyway where he had seen the girl crying for help while the other students had ran from her, screaming their heads off about the robot and not giving two shits that she could've died if he didn't appear. Anyway, he jumped down beside her, questioning if she was all right and where it hurt. You know, like Eraser taught him. She explained that her foot was caught under rumble and she couldn't use her quirk since it strained her muscles and she was somewhat at her limit. Perfect. The robot towering over them was getting closer and closer by the minute. So, he went into desperate measures.

Hitoshi turned back to the girl, asking her a question about her favorite food or something, he couldn't entirely remember (but it was probably the worst question to ask at the moment). Just something to where he could activate his quirk on her and when she retorted back loudly about this being the worst time to ask, he stopped her midway, putting her under his control. Sparing a glance back at the robot, watching with narrowed purple eyes at the large wheels crashing everything in its path, no signs of slowing down anytime soon, he turned back to the girl and ordered her to relax her foot, bending down to begin moving the rumble under her leg, trying his best to keep a straight face as he saw the pool of blood under the rocks, her leg scratched up and in an irregular shape, twisted slightly at the ankle. He had some bandages, but no stick to attempt to straighten it. Damn. Uh... He had one last resort and thought, but he was sure Eraser would chew him out for this...


Hitoshi quickly asked the girl if she could still use her quirk and suppress her side effect. Listening to her obedience 'yes', that was enough for him to sprint out toward the robot, deactivating his quirk as he clutched his weapon in hand while listening to the fading echo of the girl's cries as she noticed the scene around her. He roped a small part of the scarf end tightly around one hand, gripping the other end in his right hand until he threw his right out toward a steel beam that was uncovered by falling concrete of a building, securing it tight before pulling, launching himself on top of the building. Uncoiling all the metal scarf from his neck, he roped one of the ends around his left hand securely before he looked back to the robot that was just about to pass him. Placing his foot against the edge of the building top, he twirled his left, wrapped up hand with the scarf, thinking of the timing before swinging with all his might. He swung his hand as he threw the scarf before the robot's head, praying while trying not to panic about the scarf doing what he wanted to do; roping around the robot's head and he smiled with triumph as he grasped the thrown end of the scarf with his right hand.

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