Chapter 30: First Impressions

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Like Shinso said; by Aizawa's request after his little stunt with Kaminari at the sports festival, Minoru had indeed been seeing Hound Dog, the school counselor. At his first session, he found the hero scary and was trembling as they talked about his situation. But after a few talks in the days he'd been seeing the man, the short male student found him comforting in a... still scary way.

Honestly, Minoru didn't think his actions were worth being reprimanded. It was just his personality and how he saw the world. He was short, he couldn't help it if he accidentally looked up a woman's ass and found it attractive. He couldn't do anything about his height, his parents and older brother were just as short. Besides, didn't all women like wearing girly clothes? And he didn't appreciate getting kicked in the side by Bakugo... He was just using his quirk creatively and Yaoyorozu just happened to be there to his advantage...

Three days passed and since his announcement of interning under Mt. Lady with Shinso and Bakugo's disapproval, Minoru still hadn't found an alternative. She was just a woman hero, he didn't imagine doing anything with her, just looking at her boobs and ass was all. He had standards and she was older than him. If anything, he would have liked to know where Yaoyorozu or Asui or even Ashido were interning, but they wouldn't answer him when he asked.

Since he wasn't sure and no one would help him, Minoru brought up his dilemma about internships with Hound Dog to get his opinion. The first part, anyway.

"The other thirty-nine heroes don't seem interesting and I don't know which one's a woman or not..." Minoru sighed with his arms folded over his flat stomach (he really needed abs), Hound Dog looking over his list of offers while rubbing at his muzzle.

Minoru realized on the first day of his sessions that the restraint wasn't really necessary, seeing as the man was kind. But it sure made him damn intimidating.

"Your choice shouldn't be about one's gender. Mineta-kun, I know you told me your goal for being a hero is to get popular with ladies, but you can't be biased as a hero." Hound Dog sighed, placing down the paper before questioning, "What do you consider popular?"

"Hot guys because they always get the girls in the end! I've seen a lot of anime and kdramas and that's always how it ends up. Being in a school or a generic club, playing an instrument or sport can be a good plus." Minoru growled as he remembered that stupid second year during his third year of junior high who practically had every girl swooning over him.

"What, to you, defines a 'hot guy'?" Hound Dog wondered.

"A guy who's got abs and is good-looking! Ashido was basically dreaming about marrying Bakugo!" Minoru cursed the name of his class rep that was out for his head, clenching the air in his frustration.

"Why do you say that?"

"Ashido was going on about how she could see his abs from up in the stands! But the thing is, he fought that green-haired girl from Class B and almost knocked her unconscious. I said out loud that he wasn't being a gentleman, but Shinso said he was giving her a fair fight... I don't get either of them." Minoru huffed out as he finished his rant, leaving his counselor to think to himself.

"What steps are you taking to get to your goal, Mineta-kun?"

"Becoming a hero."

"What other steps? Being a hero isn't a step, it's a start to your goal and the end to your goal is what you said; getting the popularity. But, Mineta-kun, not every popular hero is good-looking and a guy. If you're so worried about other people being good-looking and hot, what steps are you taking to improve yourself?" Hound Dog explained calmly and clearly to Minoru, his eyes growing wide at his words before the pro hero slid the paper of offers back to him, "I wrote down some advice for you in your options and ways to improve yourself. Give it a go, will you?"

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