Chapter 19: Proposition

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After Wednesday night's visit, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday all passed quickly for Bakugo Katsuki, his alarm blaring on Monday morning to go back to U.A. High after their small break of rest from the attack. Deku dropped by his room once during those days, him ending up calling Kirishima again to chat without his uninvited presence in his room.

'He promised he'd try to visit and retell new information about Shigaraki or All for One twice a week... But I really wish he could come here every night...' Katsuki gripped his bag as he slung it over his shoulder, exiting his room and quickly waving his parents on his way out the door.

It was still wrapping around his head that the kind, caring man of Uncle Hisashi that Katsuki could recall from his memories turned out to be in reality an anti Symbol of Peace, the most dangerous and threatening supervillain there is in the world. And Deku had been with that man. For eight years. Enduring every torture method and tactic that was given. And he had to return to him. Every night. It was truly sickening.

Katsuki tried to push away the thought of how he was just like that to Deku.

Running out the station and hiking up the steep hill to the glass school, Katsuki was close to stepping through the gates to head to class when-

"Oi! Bakugo!"

"Kirishima!" Katsuki paused in his step, turning the top half of his body and head to look to the cheery redhead running up toward him, moving swiftly through the other students walking up the slope.

As the two teen friends met up, the smiling crimson-haired student wrapped his arm affectionately around the blond's neck, resuming their walk to class.

"How's your scar doin', by the way?" Katsuki asked out.

"Doing great! Nice and pink and visible to show my bravery!" Kirishima practically grinned from ear to ear as he beamed a toothy smile his way, blinding his red eyes as Katsuki squinted them up before hearing a hushed whisper from the redhead, "I just hope Midoriya's doing all right... Those bullets still in his skin..."

Deku wasn't a topic Katsuki wanted to talk about during school hours. There were way too many possibilities of them being eavesdropped on. Three of their classmates had enhanced hearing quirks, and they still didn't know much about the other hero course class in their year, Class 1-B.

"Yeah, I'm worried, too, but... we have to trust him..." Katsuki sighed out breathlessly, like a whisper on the wind while Kirishima took his arm off over his tanned neck, opening up one of the many doors before the school for the two of them.

"With my life." Kirishima narrowed his eyes with dedication and determination sparking in his pupils, surprising Katsuki before matching the crimson eyed's equal grin.

"Right." Katsuki huffed.

"Oh, Bakugo-san! Kirishima-san!"

"Oh, it's Yaoyorozu!" Kirishima turned back as they slowed their step at the familiar feminine voice in their class, allowing her to catch up while Katsuki looked back to wave toward the tall girl as Kirishima's wave was anything but subtle.

"I am pleased to have caught you before class started, Bakugo-san, for it had completely slipped my mind to hand over my contact information so we can schedule up a date at one of our homes, I suppose." Yaoyorozu blushed quietly to herself, her hand pressed gently over her lips in either shame or forgetfulness.

"Hu-" Kirishima chose to speak up at that moment.

"Don't pull a Mineta and say something pervy or I'll punt you into the sun, Kirishima." Katsuki turned to narrow his glaring red eyes toward the guy, watching him blink in surprise at his change in tone before looking back to Yaoyorozu, telling her as he slipped out his phone from his pocket, "We can trade numbers before class starts."

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