Chapter 24: Tell Me More

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With the second event of the sports festival completed and lunch approaching, Izuku stood up from his seat, acting normally like he was going to head for lunch. When in reality, he was heading to see Kacchan, who had disappeared the other exit way out of the stadium. Probably waiting to see him, but why not bring Kirishima, too? He wanted to see both of them and congratulate them...

Closing his notebook and sliding it into the inside pocket of his hoodie, Izuku turned to walk up the stairs and to the bathroom to use Glitch in private until his green eyes laid upon Anzen. He still sat in his seat, staring out into space at the top four teams on the leaderboard displayed on the TVs around the stadium.

"Anzen-san..." Izuku called out quietly, watching the old man rise in his posture faintly, his light brown eyes widening at his name before softening, turning to him with a warm smile.

"Sorry kiddo, I won't be joining you for lunch..." Anzen smiled up to Izuku with furrowed brows, a quiver in his lips.

A sorrow glint shone in his eyes.

"That's okay, I understand." Izuku took a slight bow to the man before turning to head up the stairs and for the restroom.

There was a moment of silence, the tapping echo of footsteps on the steps until the brown-haired man hummed out, "It really has been over three years already, hasn't it... Kioku...?"

Izuku stopped dead in his tracks, widening his light green gaze at the man's words. Why did that name sound familiar to his ears?

Before he could think about it more, Izuku quickly shook his head. He had never heard that name before, but for a split moment, something about that name reminded him of something. Something that stopped him and grabbed his attention. But why...?

Instead of figuring it out, Izuku decided it wasn't important right now and continued on his pathway toward the bathroom, which was close by and slipped into the mens. Looking around to remember the image, there were four sinks along the right side of him, four separate mirrors and three soap boxes in between. Three urinals with separating metal dividers, two stalls that were in the corner. There was a window in front of him that sunlight shone through; the glass transparent.

'Now I can see Kacchan and hopefully Kirishima-kun...' Izuku entered into one of the stalls, closing the door behind him and locking it so no one would accidentally enter and him Glitch back while they shitted.

With Kacchan in mind, picturing him before feeling his feet drop onto new ground, Izuku slowly opened his eyes before looking around, his back to a wall in a dark hallway and beside an entrance way that lit up with faint light.
"So, what did you need to talk about..." Kacchan's voice echoed down the lit exitway, Izuku widening his eyes as he pulled his mask down under his chin, stealthy glancing over the wall to see the blond leaned against one wall, his eyes narrowed into the second place winner, calling the boy's name as he finished his question, "...Todoroki?"


Shoto knew Bakugo was going to be a tough opponent. Powerful, determined, obstinate. But now he was just being stubborn as well. But those were the qualities of a hero, weren't they? But those qualities were getting on his last nerve. Winning both the obstacle course and cavalry battle, there was no doubt in the two-toned boy's mind that All Might didn't have something to do with Bakugo Katsuki. The two were just too similar and it was really pissing him off.

The ash blond's red glare matched Shoto's and neither wavered. Neither were going to cave. Even when his classmate asked about what he needed to say, adding about how they should hurry to the cafeteria and eat, but still. Neither took their gaze off the other.

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