Chaper 8 : JK

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I closed the door of the bathroom, sighing, my back against the door. I met him this morning for fuck's sake. How come I feel like I've known him for years ?!
I don't even know his entire name, and I'm at his house, I thought to myself as I took of my clothes. He probably doesnt' mean any harm...
But Jimin didn't seem like a dangerous guy. Let's just consider this a fling, and go with the flow, right ?

I don't know what to do. Sighing, I stepped in the shower, washing myself quickly, and putting on the clothes he gave me. I took a glance in the mirror and I saw myself, looking 5 years younger with my hair down and wet, the clothes being oversized, and the shorts being barely visible. The tattoos were the only thing that seemed to prove I was major. But this is what I liked about myself : I repeated that like a mantra, being versatile on my looks. I didn't want to be insecure anymore.
I took a deep breath, before unlocking the door and finding Tae scrolling through his phone, Yeontan with his head on his thigh. He was wearing a sleeveless grey Diesel shirt, with black sweatpants. His hair was messy and fluffier than before. I just wanted to cuddle with him.
Yeah, let's just go with the flow.

"I'm done hyung !" I said with a smile, making him look up at me and swear. "Fuck, I know I made a promise but damn you look so cute i'd cuddle you to death and pepper you with kisses everywhere and then put you in my pocket so no one can ever give you as much affection as I'd do" He said in a dramatic tone, and I chuckled letting myself fall next to him on the bed, as he turned to look at me.

"I'm okay with everything except the pocket part." I said, looking at him confidently. "Are you sure ? I don't want to force you or make you feel like you have to." I nodded smiling as he put his phone on the nightstand. "If there's anything you're uncomfortable with, please tell me, I won't be mad or take it personnally." I nodded once again but he shook his head. "You're not consenting if you're not speaking bub." He spoke in a whisper, his hand on my cheek.

I smiled, nuzzling slightly against his warmth. "I will tell you if I'm uncomfortable Hyung." He smiled, before pecking my lips, bringing his hands to my waist and rolling me over, so that I laid over him. He kissed the top of my head and started drawing small patterns on my back. We stayed like that, Yeontan nuzzled against us as we just relaxed in his bed.

"Kookie ?" Tae whispered, and I lifted my head up to be on the same eye level as him, before humming as response. "Thanks. I know I'm practically a stranger, and we met literally this morning, but I feel safe with you and I'm thankful for you accepting my request, even if it was a really odd one." I chuckled, kissing his nose. "If I were to be kidnapped, I wouldn't have a problem with you being the kidnapper"

He chuckled, a smile making its appearance on his face "Plus, I know I'm being super stupid, but I feel like I can trust you." I continued, before nuzzling my face in the crook of his neck, my lips only millimeters away from his skin. I could feel the heat radiating, and felt the vibrations as he spoke "Well, that's dumb, because for all you know I could be a killer. But thanks. I mean it."

I chuckled, "Well you'd be one fine murderer then." Content, I let myself fall down again and rest on his torso, one leg thrown over his, my arms wrapped tightly around him as he hugged me back. I let him relax and soon felt his breath slow down, knowing he fell asleep. I kiised his neck lightly, before letting myself fall asleep, secured and relaxed.

I woke up, feeling hands  on my waist, caressing my skin up to my ribs. I hummed, the contact warm and soft letting my mind feel the contact, the hands slowly moving to my chest. Opening my eyes, I saw Tae hovering me, his face observing my  reactions. " 's that okay darling ?" I hummed, feeling his fingertips hover my nipples but stopping before they met. "Please" I whispered, and he obliged his fingers finally pinching them, Tae diving in the crook of my neck and nipping at the skin. The feeling of his bodywarmth surrounding me, his lips cretaing small sparks of pleasure through my veins.

"Such a good boy for me, all putty in my hands and so so so gorgeous" Tae murmured, letting his hips finally meet mine. "Tae, fuck." I whispered, rolling them experimentally as I sucked in a breath. " You feel so good already princess, Want to keep going ?" Tae whispered, before nibbling on my earlobe. "Fuck Tae, please." I answered, our lips finally meeting as he rolled his hips again. I could feel his length against mine and rolled my hips back.

"Kookie ?" I hummed rolling my hips again, my eyes closed at the pleasurable feeling.

"Kookie, wake up." Tae spoke again, and I opened my eyes. Tae wasn't hovering me.


I was having the beginning of a wet dream. I looked up at him, and I knew he understood what happened. I blushed, ashamed I woke him up by having a wet dream.

"Sorry about that. I'll go to the toilet and come back in a few." I said pushing myself off, but I felt a hand gently tugging my shirt. "I-I can help... I-if you'd like that is, and it's completely okay if yo-" Tae stuttered, a small blush on his cheeks as he looked down. I'll go with the flow.
"You're cute like that hyung" I said with a cheeky smile. "'I'll show you how 'cute' I can get if you let me." Tae suggested sitting up on the edge of the bed, manspreading slightly. "Of course, I won't force you and I won't be mad if you don't want to." Tae added, a reassuring smile on his face.

"We won't have to go all the way if I don't want to ?" I asked again, approaching him just a bit. "We'll go only as far as you want. And what you want only." Tae answered me, extending a hand. "You can hit me as hard as you want if I don't stop when you want to."

A thought crossed my mind.

I'll just say what I want : no more depriving myself for others. I can trust him. I choose to trust him.

"Okay. Okay let's do that."


Hi ! I'm back and I'm very sorry for not posting earlier. I got hospitalised 3 months ago, in a psychatric unit, for anxiety and depressive troubles so it was difficult for me to find motivation again.

I really need your support, bcs I don't know if I'll keep writing if my work isn't appreciated (and I'm not mad if u don't like it, I just want to know if I made ppl interested in my story/stories).


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