Chapter 1 : TH

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Yup, I've decided to make something like Jk's pov, then Tae's pov... 

Dunno if this'll work, but at least, it 'll make more things to read....

enjoy !!!


A call. at 5:38 AM. I was at my target's hotel, but the work was already done.

 Everything inside the building was quiet and peaceful, unlike my fucking head. I was washing my hands. Habit of mines. Well, I had gloves when I did my job, but it was still a way for me to get those deads off my mind. I shook my hands before taking my phone out.

 "Hyung ?"

- "Tae, you've got a day off ! Isn't it wonderful ? " said the cheerful voice. 


 He was the sunshine of our group, making every one cheer up even if he was the most effective agent of the team. 1216 targets in two years. 1216 bodies found by the cleaning teams. "Jinnie-hyung told us to give you some vacation... And he's right... You're overworking, bro !"

-"Hobi, you know and hyung knows I don't need or want to-"

-"He told us you'd say that... He said you'd have the choice between the day off and a shopping weekend with hi-"

-"I'll take the day off... No more shopping weekends with hyung please" I whined, as I remember the last time I had to go on those weekends... 

A nightmare...

"And tell hyung that I'll just take it after taking care of Worschatz." I whispered as I got out of the room. 

No cameras turned on.

-"Okay, but take the Txt-hoobaes with you. We don't know what could happen."

-" 'kay. see ya hobi-hyung"

-"Later, Tae !" Hobi said with a singsong voice, before I hang up. 

48 seconds. I'll have to tell hobi to talk less. 

I sighed as I walked out of the hall, and put my cap, mask and jacket back on. I'd have to text Soobin and the others in 3 minutes if I had to take care of Worschatz.

I went out of the building, and started walking to my house, since I was living nearby. It was still dark, and there weren't anyone except some drunk and wasted people puking here and there. 

I started humming one of the songs I wrote when I was younger... I named it Stigma.

I was still humming it under my mask when I heard barks.

A big black fur ball was jumping all around me, as it wanted to play with me. I went down to scratch the dog's ear, and looked around to see where his master was. I heard footsteps, and then I saw him.

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