Chapter 6

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I'm here again !!! no one really cares but still !!!

how are u all ? I know it's been a really long time since I updated, but hey I'm back !!

the picture has absolutely nothing to do with the story, just me fanboying on that beautiful Yoongi-hyung ! I wish I could see it irl !

without further talks, let's start again !


"WHAT TH-" I almost shouted but Taehyung interrupted me "NOT having sex bub, not having sex, just sleeping..." I looked at him with my eyes widened and he giggled at my facial expression "Not that I don't want to fuck you mercilessly toots, but I badly need to sleep since I stayed awake for atleast 72 hours straight, and the alcohol I drank doesn't help me at all.

I tilted my head to the side, not understanding what he was talking about. He sighed, and runned a hand in his hair, the other one still on my hip, as I was still sitting on his lap."My work required me to stay awake for 3 days long, and I couldn't even sleep for 5 mn, so I'm literally on the edge of dying from my lack of sleep.

(KAWAIIIIIIIII ! sorry, existencial crisis of a young human in front of a deadly cute pout !)

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(KAWAIIIIIIIII ! sorry, existencial crisis of a young human in front of a deadly cute pout !)

He looked at me with expectant eyes as I frowned slightly, pouting a bit as I was thinking "Your boss is completely crazy ! you should dump him or something !" Taehyung chuckled and I swear my heart decided to make that choreo I learnt on youtube ( : idol choreo for the chorus if you wonder !) 

I blushed and he smiled a bit "I wish I could, but sadly, it's a life long contract so I can't" I jolted as I heard the last words "You're a mafia ?!" He shook his head and laughed hard this time "Ddaeng ! Do I look this scary, baby ? "

 I looked at my lap as I shook my head no, and he sighed contently "I'm good boy, sweetie. I'm not part of any bad or dangerous organisation, I just can't quit my job... Anyway, do you accept my proposal ?(I love good boys ;))

He asked, doing his puppy eyes, and I already know the answer, but I decide to tease him a bit.

"why do you even need me for sleeping ? I'm not boring enough to make you sleep, or am I ?" I said with a fake worried tone and Taehyung seemed to panic "N-no not at all bub ! You're absolutely  mesmerizing ! You're not annoying nor boring !

I internally chuckled at his behavior, and then asked "Then why, hyung ?"

He seemed to think a bit before looking at me shyly "promess me you won't laugh." I nodded, waiting for his answer, but he lifted my chin with 2 fingers "I need words pup." He looked at me straight in the eyes and I could see how serious he was about it.

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