Chapter 53

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The room returned to tranquility, losing the corridor light that had been shining in from the doorway. The dim environment caused Bian Yingning's vision to momentarily darken.

In that moment of distraction, Hua Jiangrong, whose head had been controlled by Bian Yingning, broke free from her restraints. Her whole body leaned against Bian Yingning, and her warm breath sprayed against her neck.

A sudden tightness in her chest made Bian Yingning's eyes widen, as if she were a turtle turned upside down and pressed down on her abdomen, unable to escape no matter how she struggled.

"Auntie, calm down first. We can't continue like this!"

The place where she felt Hua Jiangrong's breath was like being electrocuted with hundreds of thousands of volts, slowly spreading throughout her body, causing a tingling and numbing sensation.

Bian Yingning helplessly pushed against Hua Jiangrong, but it wasn't easy to subdue someone who had lost their sanity.

If it weren't for knowing the truth, anyone who saw Bian Yingning's pale and terrified appearance would have thought that the person pinning her down was some kind of biting zombie.

Whether or not she would bite was still unknown, but she knew how to lick!

Like catching hold of a difficult-to-grasp ice cube, it brushed against her lightly like a goose feather, carrying a sticky and scorching sensation when it landed on the back of her neck. Bian Yingning was almost scared to tears. "Auntie, please stop!"

This was too desperate.

She was just an innocent little girl.

She never expected that her innocence, which she thought she had not lost in the hands of Shang Qinghui, would one day be at risk in the hands of Hua Jiangrong.

I'm sorry, this is too taboo, she cannot accept it.

While Bian Yingning was desperately struggling, there were faint footsteps at the door and the questioning voice of a bodyguard: "Who are you? Please leave, no interviews are allowed here."

――The reporters had arrived.

The voices outside the door were in an uproar, while inside the room, it was scorching and entangled. Oh no, it was a dire situation.

Bian Yingning didn't dare to be too rough with Hua Jiangrong, but Hua Jiangrong showed no restraint.

If the two of them, in their intertwined state, were photographed by the reporters, it would be different. It would achieve the plan laid out by Nan Gongjin.

"Help..." Bian Yingning mournfully pleaded, struggling to escape from under Hua Jiangrong, but Hua Jiangrong clung tightly to her like a vine.

"Auntie, for the sake of my innocence, or else let's sacrifice your reputation first."

Just as Bian Yingning was despairing and preparing to make a sacrifice, the system that had just been scolded as useless spoke softly, "Host, I'm here..."

Amidst her tears for her tragic ordeal, and while she thought she was about to be elected as one of the world's three most inspiring figures, Bian Yingning said, "?"


Coincidentally, Duanmu Zhenghao was on duty tonight. He received a distress call from the public, and the personnel from the bureau quickly rushed to the scene, with him following suit.

After getting a general understanding of the situation at the hotel, he found that the private room that the manager claimed had been forcefully invaded by "bandits" had not suffered any significant damage. Only the door had been forcefully opened and was slightly askew.

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