Chapter 49

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Nan Gongjin not only brought down the Shang family but also bound them together with the Duanmu family.

Hua, Shang, and Duanmu, the three powerful families, collapsed, causing panic among the people in the Haicheng city circle. The Bian family had to protect themselves and lost their catering business, with only the hotel industry barely supporting them.

Bian Yingning was somewhat puzzled. Without the help of the Shang and Duanmu families this time, why did Nan Gongjin still move against the Hua family so quickly?

What kind of leverage did he hold in his hands?


Checking the time, Hua Jiangrong's meeting with a famous director was scheduled for tomorrow evening. So, during the day tomorrow, she could go and learn pole dancing.

After sorting out all the trivial matters in her mind, Bian Yingning lay down with peace of mind.

The longer she stayed in this world, the more she wanted to complete all her tasks because... Nan Gongjin didn't deserve to have the last laugh.


Bian Yingning slept until the afternoon and was awakened by several beeps from her phone.

In a daze, she picked up her phone and saw that her sister peach had sent her a message.

"Are you coming to class today?"

Jiang Jiaotao had woken up early, waiting for the sucker to come to her and become her apprentice. She didn't expect that it was already past two in the afternoon, and she hadn't received any message.

She wondered if she had been fooled or if the sucker had woken up and decided not to find her.

If that was the case... the price was negotiable.

Should she still go to her class or not? If she wanted to, she should do it sooner rather than later. If she didn't, she would prepare to go to work tonight.

Yes, she had made up her mind. If she could get this extra income, she wouldn't go to the bar to dance for more than a week. It was simply because she didn't want to move around too much.

Fortunately, after she sent this message, the other person replied, saying that they had just woken up.

Waking up at this hour, it seemed like they had worked hard last night.

Jiang Jiaotao naturally associated Bian Yingning's identity with that of a dancer or a hostess.

Or maybe she was one of those who had connections, learning this dance to catch bigger fish, willing to pay a hefty price for her services.

Considering that she had almost twelve years of dance experience, she could still hold her own in this field.

After setting the time and place, Jiang Jiaotao took the opportunity to dress herself up, determined to impress Bian Yingning and make her feel that the money spent was worth it.


This place should be where Jiang Jiaotao usually practices dancing. It's a private room under a dance institution. The environment isn't particularly luxurious, but it's clean.

When Bian Yingning arrived, Jiang Jiaotao hadn't arrived yet, so she wandered around the dance studio, taking a look.

There were mirrors on both sides, and as she entered, there was a horizontal bar for splits. On the opposite side, there was a row of windows, and at this moment, the setting sun was shining through, creating beautiful lighting.

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